UCLA Department of Linguistics
Los Angeles, California, USA
April 30-May 2, 2005
The UCLA Department of Linguistics hosted the 12th meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association. Talks were 20 minutes (plus 10 minutes for discussion). Many areas of the formal linguistics of Austronesian languages were represented, and there was a special session on child acquisition of Astronesian languages. The program featured two parallel sessions, except during the special session on acquisition.
Information about submitting papers for the proceedings can be found on the proceedings page.
Registration fees were $50 for faculty and $20 for students. Registration was done on-site only, by cash or by cheques drawn on U.S. bank accounts
Here is some helpful information for preparing your visit to Los Angeles:
Claremont Hotel 1044 Tiverton Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 Single: $45 Double: $51 Twin: $60 Phone: (310) 208-5957 Fax: (310) 208-2386 Toll Free: 1-800- 266-5957
Royal Palace Westwood Hotel 1052 Tiverton Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 UCLA Rate: $84 Phone: (310) 208-6677 Fax: (310) 824-3732 Web: www.royalpalacewestwood.com/info.htm
UCLA Tiverton House 900 Tiverton Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 Two double beds $98.00 Studio with kitchenette $105.00 Two room suite with kitchenette $175.00 Phone: (310) 794-0151 Fax: (310) 794-0153
UCLA Guest House 330 Charles Young Drive East Los Angeles, CA 90095 Single/Double Room: $101/$106 Some rooms with kitchenette ($106) Phone: (310) 825-2923 Fax: (310) 825-6108 Web: www.guesthouse.ucla.edu Reservations: guesthouse@ha.ucla.edu
UCLA-Hilgard House 927 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 Single Room (one person) $119 Double Room (two persons) $124 Three to a Room $129 Phone: (310) 208-3945 Fax: (310) 208-1972 Web: www.hilgardhouse.com Reservations: reservations@HilgardHouse.com
Please send any questions or comments to afla12@ucla.edu. In the future, more information on AFLA XII will be available at http://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/afla12/.