## This script opens all the sound files in a given directory, plus their associated textgrids so that you can review/change the marks. directory$ = "c:\Praat Fest\test data\" extension$ = ".aiff" Create Strings as file list... list 'directory$'*'extension$' number_of_files = Get number of strings for x from 1 to number_of_files select Strings list current_file$ = Get string... x Read from file... 'directory$''current_file$' object_name$ = selected$ ("Sound") Read from file... 'directory$''object_name$'.TextGrid plus Sound 'object_name$' Edit pause Mark your segments! minus Sound 'object_name$' Write to text file... 'directory$''object_name$'.TextGrid select all minus Strings list Remove endfor select Strings list Remove print All files processed -- that was fun! ## written by Katherine Crosswhite ## crosswhi@ling.rochester.edu