Category: Conferences, Faculty, Graduate Students


Published: April 11, 2016

SCAMP: Southern California April Meeting on Phonology was held at UCSD over the weekend (thank you to Eric Baković (UCSD) for organizing it!). A number of UCLA phonologists had talks/posters:

Adam Chong: Looking under the hood: Korean palatalization and derived environment effects
Stephanie Shih (UC Merced) & Kie Zuraw: Phonological conditions on Tagalog adjective-noun word order
Brian Smith: Phonologically-conditioned variation in English function words

Robert Daland: Speech perception is not isomorphic to loanword adaptation: Evidence from Korean
Yu Tanaka: Rendaku in Japanese surnames revisited: Just pretending to be monomorphemic!
Jesse Zymet: Irreducible parallelism in phonology