##Explanation for headings in HayesWhite_SubjectData_ForWebsite ##Note: Each row represents one observation (i.e., one trial for one participant) Subject: Subject ID number Nonword: Which nonword the response was given for TrialNum: Which trial the observation represents for a given subject (e.g., "1" means the first trial for a given subject) TestOrControl: Whether the nonword violated the constraint ("test" item) or was the non-violating control for that item ("control" item) Naturalness: Whether the constraint violated (or not in the case of control items) by that nonword was "natural" or "unnatural" Type: A combination of TestOrControl and Naturalness. 4 possible labels: "NatCon", "NatTest", "UnnatCon", "UnnatTest". HWi_ConstraintWeight: The weight assigned (by the Hayes/Wilson learner) to the constraint associated with the nonword in that trial HWi_Score: The penalty assigned to the nonword in that trial by the Hayes/Wilson leaner. For control items, this will almost always be "0". For the test items, this will be equal to the HWi_ConstraintWeight value. Albright2009: Score assigned to the non-word by the Albright (2009) learner. Task: Which task was used to give the response in that trial: either "line" drawing or "number" estimation. Note: each nonword was rated twice by each participant, once with number estimation and once with line drawing. TaskOrder: Whether the task used in that trial (number estimation or line drawing) was completed first ("1") or second ("2") by that subject. SubjectResponse: The raw response number given by the participant. NA means a response is missing for that trial. LogResponse: The natural log of SubjectResponse. This is the value reported in the paper.