Prof. Edward Keenan |
Research Interests:
In Situ Interpretation without Type Mismatches -2016. In Journal of Semantics 33.1: 87–106.
Individuals Explained Away -2015. In On reference, A. Bianchi (ed.). pp. 384 – 402. Oxford University Press.
Handbook of Quantifiers in Natural Language -2012 (Series: Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy). Co-editor with Denis Paperno. Springer. 970 pages.
Voice and relativization without movement in Malagasy -2008. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 26.3:467 – 497.
Relative Clauses are Phrase Structural in Malagasy -2008. Language and Linguistics 9.4:769 – 796. Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
Semantic Approaches to Binding -2007. In Research on Language and Computation, Co-editor with Alastair Butler (primary editor) and Jason Mattausch of the special issue. Vol: 5.1 Springer Verlag.
Language Variation and Linguistic Invariants: A Unifying Perspective -2007. In LSA Plenary Session, January 5.
On the Denotations of Anaphors -2007. In Research on Language and Computation 5.1:5–17.
Passive in the World's Languages -2006. In Shopen. Vol. 1, 325–361 .
Quantifiers: Semantics -2006. In Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Second Edition Keith Brown (ed). Elsevier, Oxford, Vol 10:302–308.
Linguistic invariants and language variation -2005. In Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science P. Hajek, L.M. Valeds Villanueva and D. Westerstahl (eds). King's College Publications, London: 395–411.
How Much Logic is Built into Natural Language? -2005. In Fifteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. P. Dekker et al (eds), ILLC, University of Amsterdam: 39–45.
Extraction without Movement: Is Malagasy a Perfect Language? 2005. Under review.
Further excursions in natural logic: The Mid-Point Theorems -2004. Presented at the Formal Description of Natural Language conference, Freudenstadt. To appear in a volume edited by Fritz Hamm and Stephan Kepser with OUP.
Malagasy Clause Structure and Language Acquisition -2004. In Proceedings of the XIth Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association. Paul Law (editor). ZAS, Berlin: 178–203.
Structural Similarity Within and Among Languages -2003. In Theoretical Computer Science 293:345–363.
Semantic Correlates of the Ergative/Absolutive Distinction -2002. Reprinted in Mouton Classics Vol 1. Mouton de Gruyter: 227 – 255.
Compositionality: A global perspective -2002. In Semantics. F. Hamm and T.E. Zimmermann (eds). Helmut Buske Verlag, Hamburg: 129–137.
Logical Objects -2001. In Meaning and Computation. C.A. Anderson & M. Zeleny (eds). Kluwer: 149 –180.
A Quantitative Study of Voice in Malagasy -2001. In Papers in African Linguistics H. Torrence (editor): 172 – 195.
Reciprocals in Malagasy -2001. In Papers in African Linguistics Dept. of Linguistics UCLA. H. Torrence (ed.): 40–90.
"A Quantitative Study of Voice in Malagasy" - 2001. With Cecile Manorohanta. Oceanic Linguistics Vol 40 No 1: 67–85.
"Quantification in English is Inherently Sortal" - 2000. In The History of Philosphy and Logic 20:251–265. S. Shapiro (ed).
"Raising from NP in Malagasy" - 2000. With Baholisoa Ralalaoherivony. Lingvisticae Investigationes 23.1: 1–44.
Quantification in English is Inherently Sortal -2000. In The History of Philosophy and Logic S. Shapiro (ed), 20: 251–265.
Language Invariants: The Syntax and Semantics of Case Marking -1999. In Linguistics in the Morning Calm 4, J. Groenendijk et al. (eds.), Foris, 26 pages.
"Determiners, Adjectives and a Query of van Benthems" - 1999. Liber Amicorum 9 pages.
Reduplication in Malagasy -1998. With Jean Paulin Razafimamonjy. In UCLA Occasional Papers in Linguistics 21. Recent Papers in Austronesian Linguistics, pp. 159–183.
Malagasy Morphology -1998. In The Handbook of Morphology. Spencer and A. M. Zwicky (eds) Blackwell: 563 624
Further Beyond the Frege Boundary -1996. In Quantifiers, Logic, and Language. J. van der Does and J. van Eijck (eds) CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA.: 179–201.
The Semantics of Determiners -1996. In The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory. Shalom Lappin (ed). Blackwell.
A Boolean Approach to Semantics -1996. In Formal Methods in the Study of Language. J. Groenendijk, T. Janssen, and M. Stokhof (eds.), Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam: 343–379.
Morphology is Structure: A Malagasy Test Case -1995. In The Structure of Malagasy Vol 1. M. Pearson and I. Paul (eds) UCLA Occasional Papers in Linguistics, No. 17: 92–113.
Natural Language, Sortal Reducibility and Generalized Quantifiers -1993. In The Journal of Symbolic Logic Vol 58.1:314 – 325.
Semantic Order and Semantic Answers to Syntactic Questions -1993. In UCLA Occasional Papers in Linguistics: Recent Papers in Syntax, Semantics and Computational Linguistics Vol. 11: Filippo Beghelli & Murat Kural (eds) Dept. of Linguistics, UCLA
Identifying Anaphors -1993. In Proc BLS 19. J Guenter, B. Kaiser, C. Zoll (eds). Berkeley Linguistics Society, UC Berkeley, 1993: 503–516.
Anaphor Antecedent Asymmetry -1993. In Proc. of Semantics and Linguistic Theory III. Utpal Lahiri and Zachary Wyner (eds). Dept. of Md Languages and Linguistics, Cornell Univ:117–144.
On Semantics and the Binding Theory -1988. In Explaining Language Universals J. Hawkins (ed.), Basil Blackwell, 40 pages.
Semantic Case Theory -1987. In Proceedings of the Sixth Amsterdam Colloquium J. Groenendijk, M. Stokhof, and F. Veltman (eds.), ITLI (Univ. of Amsterdam), 23 pages. Reprinted in: Semantics and Contextual Expression R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem, and P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Foris 1989
Lexical Freedom and Large Categories -1987. In Studies in Discourse Representation Theory and the Theory of Generalized Quantifiers J. Groenendijk et al. (eds.), Foris: 26 pages.
Predicate Formation Rules in Universal Grammar -1985. In Proceedings of WCCFL 4 J. Goldberg et al. (eds.), Stanford Linguistics Association: 6 pages.
Determiners and the Logical Expressive Power of Natural Language -1984. In Proceedings of WCCFL 3 M. Cobler et al. (eds.), Stanford Linguistics Association: 9 pages.
Facing the Truth: Some Advantages of Direct Interpretation -1983. In Linguistics and Philosophy . 6, 1983. 36 pages.
Abstract Syntax -1981. In Configurations. Cascadilla Press. Anna-Maria Di Sciullo (ed): 323–344.
Predicate-Argument Structure in Malagasy -1979. In Grammatical Relations: Theoretical Approaches to Empirical Issues Clifford S. Burgess, Katarzyna Dziwirek, and Donna B. Gerdts (eds) Stanford CSLI: 171–217.
On Surface Form and Logical Form -1979. In Studies in Linguistic Sciences 8.2, 40 pages.
Towards a universal definition of "subject" -1976. In Subject and Topic. Charles Li (ed): 303–333.
Remarkable Subjects in Malagasy -1976. In Subject and Topic. Charles Li (ed): 249–301.
Logic and the Expressive Power of Natural Languages -1973. In Daedalus. Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 9 pages.
Curriculum Vitae - updated August 2007.