Useful Sites to Visit: 

I have only superficially inspected the sites and their content, so I cannot
guarantee for their correctness or usefulnees. This means that you are using
these sites at your own risk, since I cannot guarantee that they conform
with the content taught in the class. In case of doubt you may consult
me on particular issues.

The Links:

IPA Sounds Online lets you click on a symbol of the IPA and hear how it sounds.
Demos from UCLA Phonetics Lab. Lets you see the vibration of the vocal folds during
   speech, or the movement of the articulators.
An Online Database of the Phonetic inventory of many languages. Also shows you
   a map of the languages.
Teaching Natural Classes was written by Bruce Hayes and lets you learn natural
The big world languages map
The Languages of Italy before the Roman Conquest
Maps of Language Families and other useful maps.
"Knowing" Words in Indo-European Languages. Fun to browse. Don't get lost.