  1. "Shay & Seibert: Motion, Direction and Location in Languages (Review)", LinguistList 15.1455, 2004.
  2. "Patrick Blackburn, Maarten de Rijke and Yde Venema: `Modal Logic'", Review, Bulletin of the Association of Symbolic Logic 8(2002), 299 - 301.
  3. "Dov Gabbay: `Fibring Logics'", Review, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10(2004), 209 - 211.
  4. "V. V. Rybakov: Admissibility of Inference Rules." (Review), Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40(1999), 578 - 587.
  5. "`The Semantics of Syntax' by Denis Bouchard. A Review.", Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6(1997), 344 - 350.

In Preparation

  1. "Fritz Hamm and Michiel van Lambalgen: 'The Proper Treatment of Events'", to appear in the Bulletin of the Association of Symbolic Logic.

Marcus Kracht
Last Modified: Tue Sep 26 2005 15:00:00