Linguistics 251:  Phonotactics

Colin Wilson and Bruce Hayes
Department of Linguistics

Spring Quarter, 2005


Download the syllabus.


View the bibliography (html format)


Study guide questions on Bailey and Hahn (2001).  Due April 20.


This page will provide links to the required readings in this course that are available electronically; other readings will be distributed in hard copy.

Class 2, 4/6/05:

Perception of Wordlikeness: Effects of Segment Probability and Length on the Processing of Nonwords Stefan A. Frisch, Nathan R. Large, and David B. Pisoni

If you'd like to read "Coleman, J. S. and J. Pierrehumbert. 1997. Stochastic Phonological Grammars and Acceptability. (In Computational Phonology. Third Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group in Computational Phonology. Somerset, NJ: Association for Computational Linguistics. 49-56), which is referred to by Frisch et al., a copy is here.

Class 3, 4/11/05

Clements, George N. and S. Jay Keyser (1983) CV phonology: a generative theory of the syllable. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 41-53. - hard copy

Class 5, 4/18/05

Frisch, S. , J. Pierrehumbert and M. Broe. 2004. Similarity avoidance and the OCP. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 22: 179-228.

Class 6, 4/20/05

Bailey, T. M. and U. Hahn. 2001. Determinants of Wordlikeness: Phonotactics or Lexical Neighborhoods? Journal of Memory and Language. 44: 568-591.

Class 7, 4/25/05

Jusczyk P. W., Friederici A. D., Wessels J. M. I., Svenkerud V. Y. and Jusczyk A. M. (1993) "Infants' Sensitivity to the Sound Patterns of Native Language Words", Journal of Memory and Language 32:402-420.

Class 8 , 4/27/05

Newport, E. L. and R. N. Aslin (2004) Learning at a distance I. Statistical learning of non-adjacent dependencies. Cognitive Psychology 48:127-162.

Class 9, 5/2/05

required reading:

Hayes, Bruce (2004) "Phonological acquisition in Optimality Theory: the early stages," in René Kager, Joe Pater, and Wim Zonneveld, eds., Fixing Priorities: Constraints in Phonological Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

supplementary reading:

Prince, Alan and Bruce Tesar (2004). Learning phonotactic distributions. In René Kager, Joe Pater, and Wim Zonneveld (eds.), Fixing priorities: constraints in phonological acquisition. Cambridge University Press.

Class 10, 5/4/05

Goldwater, Sharon and Mark Johnson (2003). Learning OT Constraint Rankings Using a Maximum Entropy Model. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Variation within Optimality Theory, Stockholm University.

Class 11, 5/9/05

Extracts from Mark Liberman and Alan Prince (1977) "On stress and linguistic rhythm," Linguistic Inquiry 8, 249-336.  (all but portions on phrasal stress, the cycle, and the Rhythm Rule).  Xeroxes distributed in class.

Class 12, 5/11/05

Ellison, T. Mark (2001) "The iterative learning of phonological constraints."  Distributed as Xerox in class, or download here.

Class 13, 5/16/05

(continues English stress discussion; complete reading Liberman/Prince if you haven't already)

Class 14, 5/18/05

McQueen, James (1998) Segmentation of Continuous Speech Using Phonotactics. Journal of Memory and Language 39, 21-46.

Class 15, 5/23/05

Steriade, Donca (1999) Alternatives to the syllabic interpretation of consonantal phonotactics. In O.Fujimura B.Joseph and B.Palek (eds.) Proceedings of the 1998 Linguistics and Phonetics Conference, The Karolinum Press, 205-242

Class 16, 5/25/05

Redford, M. A., Chen, C. C., and Miikkulainen R. (2001) Constrained emergence of universals and variation in syllable systems. Language and Speech 44, 27-56.

Class 17, 5/30/05

no class, Memorial Day holiday

Class 19, 6/6/05

Guenther, F.H., and Gjaja, M.N. (1996) The perceptual magnet effect as an emergent property of neural map formation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100, pp. 1111-1121.