use strict; use warnings; use List::Util qw(first max maxstr min minstr reduce shuffle sum); use Text::Levenshtein qw(distance); use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; #My attempt to implement Baayen & al.'s MATCHECK model #"BSS" #Harald Baayen, Robert Schreuder, and Richard Sproat (2000). #Modeling morphological segmentation in a parallel dual route #framework for visual word recognition. #In Frank van Eynde & David Gibbon (eds.) #Lexicon Development for Speech and Language Processing. Pp. 267-293. #"B&S" #Harald Baayen & Robert Schreuder (2000). #Towards a psycholinguistic computational model #for morphological parsing. #Transactions of the Royal SocietyLondon A 358: 1281-1293. my $matcheck_VER = '1.1'; #DEFAULT PARAMETER VALUES my $time_steps = 100; my $basic_theta_threshold = 0.05; #free parameter, (0,1] B&S use 0.3 my $alpha_spike = 1.2; #free parameter B&S use 1.2 my $delta_baseline_decay = 0.3; #free parameter , (0,1) B&S use 0.3 my $zeta_forest = 4; #free parameter B&S use 1.5 my $epsilon_system_noise = 0; #free parameter--see BSS pp. 276-277 BSS use 10 my $kappa_summed_activ_threshold = 0; #free parameter--see BSS p. 289 BSS use 0 my $rho_info_extraction_rate = 1; #free parameter--see BSS pp. 289-290 BSS use 2 #when rho is changed from 1 to n, change delta to delta^(1/rho) #and change similarity s to rho*s #I didn't understand how to use rho, so it's not implemented here, except #that similarity is rho*s my $edge_alignment = 'b'; #READ IN COMMAND-LINE ARGUMENTS #Help info--code cribbed from # my $opt_debug = 0; my ($opt_help, $opt_man, $opt_versions); my $man = 0; my $help = 0; my $lexicon_file = ''; my $targets_file = ''; my $buffer_output_file = ''; my $activations_output_file = ''; GetOptions( 'debug=i' => \$opt_debug, 'help!' => \$opt_help, 'man!' => \$opt_man, 'versions!' => \$opt_versions, 'time_steps=i' => \$time_steps, 'theta=f' => \$basic_theta_threshold, 'alpha=f' => \$alpha_spike, 'delta=f' => \$delta_baseline_decay, 'zeta=f' => \$zeta_forest, 'epsilon=f' => \$epsilon_system_noise, 'kappa=f' => \$kappa_summed_activ_threshold, 'rho=i' => \$rho_info_extraction_rate, 'edge=s' => \$edge_alignment, 'lexicon_file=s' => \$lexicon_file, 'targets_file=s' => \$targets_file, 'buffer_output_file=s' => \$buffer_output_file, 'activations_output_file=s' => \$activations_output_file ) or pod2usage(-verbose => 1) && exit; pod2usage(-verbose => 1) && exit if ($opt_debug !~ /^[01]$/); pod2usage(-verbose => 1) && exit if defined $opt_help; pod2usage(-verbose => 2) && exit if defined $opt_man; my $theta_threshold = $basic_theta_threshold; if ($lexicon_file eq '') { print ("You must specify a lexicon file.\n"); } if ($targets_file eq '') { print ("You must specify a targets file.\n"); } if ($buffer_output_file eq '') { $buffer_output_file = "$targets_file.buffer.txt"; } if ($activations_output_file eq '') { $activations_output_file = "$targets_file.activations.txt"; } print ("working...\n"); #SETTING UP VARIABLES #read in lexical entries and frequencies from a file #format should be one item per line, frequency-tab-string: #1 apple #100 avocado #etc. open (LEXICONFILE, $lexicon_file) || die "can't open lexicon file: $!"; my %frequencies = (); my $line; while(defined($line = )) { chomp($line); my @contents=split(/\t/,$line); $frequencies{$contents[1]} = $contents[0]; } close (LEXICONFILE) || die "couldn't close lexicon file: $!"; my %probability; my %r_reached_threshold; my %list_of_threshold_morphs; my @threshold_morphs_this_timestep; my $target; my $t_time; my @spans_reached; my %activations; my %delta_decay_rate; my %similarities; my %substrings; my $s_summed_activation; my $new_threshold_morphs; #LOOP THROUGH TARGETS #get, from an input file, list of words to parse and, for each word, #lexical entries of interest to track #format should be target-tab-itemtotrack1-tab-itemtotrack2-tab etc. #unpleasant un pleasant unpleasant #ungrammaticality un grammatical grammatic al ical ungrammaticality grammaticality open (TARGETFILE, $targets_file) || die "can't open targets file: $!"; my %targets = (); while(defined($line = )) { chomp($line); my @contents=split(/\t/,$line); $target = shift(@contents); $targets{$target} = [@contents]; #the rest of the line should be #the ones to track in the output file } close (TARGETFILE) || die "couldn't close lexicon file: $!"; open (BUFFEROUTPUTFILE, ">.$buffer_output_file") || die "can't open file to put buffer results in: $!"; open (OUTPUTFILE, ">.$activations_output_file") || die "can't open file to put activation results in: $!"; my $stuff_to_print; while(($target,$stuff_to_print) = each(%targets)) { #TIME-STEP-ZERO ACTIVITIES %activations = (); %delta_decay_rate = (); %r_reached_threshold = (); %similarities = (); %substrings = (); @spans_reached = (); %probability = (); %list_of_threshold_morphs = (); $theta_threshold = $basic_theta_threshold; #reinitialize theta #copy resting activations $s_summed_activation = 0; %activations = %frequencies; my $w; %substrings = (); while(($w,) = each(%frequencies)) { #initialize threshold-reaching: no one has reached $r_reached_threshold{$w} = 0; #initialize individual decay rates $delta_decay_rate{$w} = f_forest_before_trees( g_short_and_frequent($delta_baseline_decay, $alpha_spike, $w), $zeta_forest, $w); #precompile similarity of each item to target $similarities{$w} = $rho_info_extraction_rate*similarity($w,$target); #decide ahead of time whether each item is a substring of the target #this means fewer edge-alignments need to be calculated if ($target =~ /$w/) { $substrings{$w} = 1; } } #set up header line in output files print (OUTPUTFILE "TARGET $target\n"); print (BUFFEROUTPUTFILE "TARGET $target\n"); print ("TARGET $target\n"); my @array_to_print = @{$stuff_to_print}; foreach my $wd (@array_to_print) { print (OUTPUTFILE "$wd\t"); } foreach my $wd (@array_to_print) { print (OUTPUTFILE "$wd\t"); } print (OUTPUTFILE "\n"); foreach my $wd (@array_to_print) { if (defined $activations{$wd}) { print (OUTPUTFILE "$activations{$wd}\t"); } } print (OUTPUTFILE "\n"); #STEP THROUGH TIME for($t_time=1; $t_time<=$time_steps; $t_time++) { update_activations(); #this is also the place where the decrease in summed #activation gets checked $new_threshold_morphs = 0; update_probabilities(); #print activations and probabilities to file print_timestep(@array_to_print); #determine if a spanning has occurred my @array_of_threshold_morphs = (); #my $w; #I had a foreach here before, but I'm changing it to a #while+each #in case this hash can get really big #foreach my $w (keys(%list_of_threshold_morphs)){ while(($w,) = each(%list_of_threshold_morphs)){ push(@array_of_threshold_morphs, $w); } if($new_threshold_morphs==1) { parse('', 0, $target, @array_of_threshold_morphs); } } } close (BUFFEROUTPUTFILE) || die "couldn't close buffer results file: $!"; close (OUTPUTFILE) || die "couldn't close results file: $!"; #SUBROUTINES sub parse { my $prefix = shift; my $prefix_length = shift; my $current_target = shift; my @candidates = @_; my $span = ''; foreach my $w (@candidates) { if($current_target eq $w) { $span = $prefix.$w; unless (grep { "$_" eq "$span" } @spans_reached) { print(BUFFEROUTPUTFILE "SPANNING $span at $t_time\n"); print("SPANNING $span at $t_time\n"); push (@spans_reached, $span); } } elsif($current_target =~ /^$w/) { my $length_of_w = length($w); #an attempt to speed up the program $prefix = $prefix.$w.'+'; $prefix_length += $length_of_w; my $new_target = substr($current_target,$length_of_w); #recursive call to parse()!! parse($prefix,$prefix_length,$new_target,@candidates); #pop this morpheme off the prefix string $prefix = substr($prefix,0,length($prefix)-$length_of_w-1); $prefix_length -= $length_of_w; #why did I have that line?? } } } sub print_timestep{ #should get passed the array of items #that have been selected (in an input file) for tracking in #the output file my @selected_items = @_; foreach my $w (@selected_items) { if(defined $activations{$w}) { print (OUTPUTFILE "$activations{$w}\t"); } else { print (OUTPUTFILE "0\t"); } } foreach my $w (@selected_items) { if(defined $probability{$w}) { print (OUTPUTFILE "$probability{$w}\t"); } else { print (OUTPUTFILE "0\t"); } } print (OUTPUTFILE "\n"); #if($t_time/5 == int($t_time/5)) { # print("time step is $t_time\n"); #} } sub g_short_and_frequent { #B&S eq. (2.3) or Baayen (15)--slightly different #There are two different versions of this function; comment one out my $delta = shift; my $alpha = shift; my $w_node = shift; my $g; my $length_of_w = length($w_node); #an attempt to speed up the program $g = $delta * $length_of_w/($length_of_w+ ($alpha/$length_of_w)*log($frequencies{$w_node})); #B&S p. 1284 #$g = $delta / # (1+$alpha*log($length_of_w+1)/log($frequencies{$w_node})); #Baayen p. 270 #not sure how to use this version correctly: it requires that all frequencies #be higher than one, or else log(freq)=0, and you have to divide by zero... return $g; } sub f_forest_before_trees { #B&S (2.4) my $delta = shift; my $zeta = shift; my $w_node = shift; my $f; my $length_of_w = length($w_node); #an attempt to speed up the program my $length_of_target = length($target); #an attempt to speed up the program if($zeta>0) { $f = $delta+(1-$delta)*(abs($length_of_w-$length_of_target)/ max($length_of_w,$length_of_target))**$zeta } else { $f = $delta; #B&S's equation looks like it has a typo, referring #to delta sub i--but this function is being used #to determine delta sub I guessed that they #meant delta #In Baayen (p. 270), it's just delta } return $f; } sub update_probabilities { #B&S eq. (2.1) my $w; my $sum_of_activations = 0; while(($w,) = each(%frequencies)) { $sum_of_activations += $activations{$w}; } if (abs($s_summed_activation-$sum_of_activations) < $kappa_summed_activ_threshold) { $theta_threshold = $theta_threshold/2; #"in our current implementaton, the threshold is simply halved #at each time step that meets the condition S(t-1)-S(t) $theta_threshold) { $r_reached_threshold{$w} = 1; $new_threshold_morphs = 1; push (@threshold_morphs_this_timestep, $w); print (BUFFEROUTPUTFILE "time $t_time: $w reached threshold $theta_threshold\n"); print ("time $t_time: $w reached threshold $theta_threshold\n"); } } foreach $w (@threshold_morphs_this_timestep) { if (not(defined $list_of_threshold_morphs{$w})) { #avoid duplicates $list_of_threshold_morphs{$w} = 1; } } } sub update_activations { #B&S eq. (2.2) my $w; while(($w,) = each(%frequencies)) { my $on_hold_value = on_hold($w); #an attempt to speed up the program my $decay_rate_of_w = $delta_decay_rate{$w}; #an attempt to speed up the program my $activation_of_w = $activations{$w}; my $initial_activation_of_w = $frequencies{$w}; $activations{$w} = $on_hold_value*$activation_of_w/$decay_rate_of_w + (1-$on_hold_value)*($initial_activation_of_w+$decay_rate_of_w* abs($activation_of_w-$initial_activation_of_w)); #at some point I thought I needed to take the absolute value #of that difference--now I think it should always be positive #anyway... } } sub on_hold { #indicator function #a node is on hold if its activation weight is still #being allowed to increase #BSS pp. 288-289 (in def. of 'activation weight') my $w_node = shift; my $indicator; if($r_reached_threshold{$w_node}==1) { $indicator = 0; } elsif($similarities{$w_node}>=$t_time) { $indicator = 1; } elsif(defined $substrings{$w_node}) { if (edge_aligned($w_node,$target)) { $indicator = 1; } else { $indicator = 0; } } else { $indicator = 0; } return $indicator; } sub similarity { #BSS p. 288, under 'similarity metric' my $w1 = shift; my $w2 = shift; my $similarity; my $match = $w1=~/$w2/; my $length_of_w2 = length($w2); $similarity = $match*$length_of_w2+ (1-$match)*($length_of_w2-distance($w1,$w2)); return $similarity; } sub edge_aligned { my $w1 = shift; my $w2 = shift; my $success = 0; if ($edge_alignment eq 'l') { if($w2 =~ /^$w1/) { #left-alignment only $success = 1; } else { #recursive calls to edge_aligned #see BSS pp. 280-281: once an outer morpheme becomes #available, the adjacent inner morpheme acts as though #it's edge-aligned my $w; while(($w,)= each(%list_of_threshold_morphs)) { my $substring; my $length_of_w = length($w); if(length($w1)>$length_of_w){ if($w =~ /^$w1/ && edge_aligned(substr($w1,$length_of_w),$w2)) { #recursion! $success = 1; } } } } return $success; } elsif ($edge_alignment eq 'r') { if($w2 =~ /$w1$/) { #right-alignment only $success = 1; } else { #recursive calls to edge_aligned #see BSS pp. 280-281: once an outer morpheme becomes #available, the adjacent inner morpheme acts as though #it's edge-aligned my $w; while(($w,)= each(%list_of_threshold_morphs)) { my $substring; my $length_of_w = length($w); if(length($w1)>$length_of_w){ if($w =~ /$w1$/ && edge_aligned(substr($w1,$length_of_w),$w2)) { #recursion! $success = 1; } } } } return $success; } else { if($w2 =~ /^$w1/ || $w2 =~ /$w1$/) { #either-edge alignment #(default or specified 'b') $success = 1; } else { #recursive calls to edge_aligned #see BSS pp. 280-281: once an outer morpheme becomes #available, the adjacent inner morpheme acts as though #it's edge-aligned my $w; while(($w,)= each(%list_of_threshold_morphs)) { my $substring; my $length_of_w = length($w); if(length($w1)>$length_of_w){ if($w =~ /^$w1/ && edge_aligned(substr($w1,$length_of_w),$w2)) { #recursion! $success = 1; } elsif($w =~ /$w1$/ && edge_aligned(substr($w1,$length_of_w),$w2)) { #recursion! $success = 1; } } } } return $success; } } #more help stuff--also cribbed from # END{ if(defined $opt_versions){ print "\nModules, Perl, OS, Program info:\n", " Pod::Usage $Pod::Usage::VERSION\n", " Getopt::Long $Getopt::Long::VERSION\n", " strict $strict::VERSION\n", " Perl $]\n", " OS $^O\n", " $matcheck_VER\n", #check here that program name correct " $0\n", "\n\n"; } } =head1 NAME =head1 SYNOPSIS perl -l lexicon.txt -ta targets.txt =head1 DESCRIPTION Run Baayen et al.'s Matcheck model of word recognition. Harald Baayen, Robert Schreuder, and Richard Sproat (2000). Modeling morphological segmentation in a parallel dual route framework for visual word recognition. In Frank van Eynde & David Gibbon (eds.) Lexicon Development for Speech and Language Processing. Pp. 267-293. Harald Baayen & Robert Schreuder (2000). Towards a psycholinguistic computational model for morphological parsing. Transactions of the Royal SocietyLondon A 358: 1281-1293. Switches that don't define a value can be done in long or short form. eg: --man -m --time_steps 50 -t 50 Notes: 1. rho (information extraction rate) is not implemented. Value is 1. 2. There are two different versions of the g() function in the two source articles (B&S eq. 2.3, BS&S (15)). The one implemented here is B&S p. 1284. 3. There are slightly different versions of the f() function in the two source articles. The one implemented here follows BS&S (p. 270) in using delta instead of delta-sub-i. 4. BS&S p. 289: "in our current implementaton, the threshold is simply halved at each time step that meets the condition S(t-1)-S(t)=0. Default is 1.2 --delta Baseline-decay-rate parameter. Real number in interval (0,1). Default is 0.3 --zeta Forest parameter. Real number>=0. Default is 4 --epsilon System noise. Real number>=0. Default is 0 --kappa Summed-activation threshold. Real number>=0. Default is 0 --rho Information-extraction rate. Integer>=1. NOT IMPLEMENTED. Default is 1 --edge Edge alignment. 'l' for left, 'r' for right, 'b' for both. Default is 'b'. --lexicon_file Text file specifying lexicon with frequencies. Obligatory. --targets_file Text file specifying targets to be identified. Obligatory. --buffer_output_file Destination file for buffer results. Default is targets_file."buffer.txt" --activation_output_file Destination file for activation results. Default is targets_file."activations.txt" =head1 FILE_FORMATS =head2 INPUT_FILES LEXICON file should be tab-separated, one word per line, frequency then form The file should include any bound morphemes that you want Matcheck to be able to recognize: 16839 im 1 imponderables 3 import 12 importance 2 imposing 1 imposition TARGETS file should be tab-separated, one target word per line, full form then any lexemes whose activation during the recognition of that word you want to track in the activation output file: ablaze ablaze a blaze abnormal abnormal ab normal norm al abroad abroad a broad absent absent ab sent abstract abstract ab stract absurd absurd ab surd ... =head2 OUTPUT FILES BUFFER file gives, for each target, a list of lexemes (if any) that reached threshold, along with the timestep: TARGET impotent time 7: i reached threshold 0.1 time 20: im reached threshold 0.1 time 31: imp reached threshold 0.1 TARGET imprecision time 8: i reached threshold 0.1 time 8: impression reached threshold 0.1 time 20: im reached threshold 0.1 time 31: imp reached threshold 0.1 ... Whenever a complete spanning is found, it's noted: TARGET unable time 1: the reached threshold 0.05 time 2: have reached threshold 0.05 time 2: one reached threshold 0.05 time 4: able reached threshold 0.05 time 5: un reached threshold 0.05 SPANNING un+able at 5 time 7: e reached threshold 0.05 time 7: le reached threshold 0.05 time 9: unable reached threshold 0.05 SPANNING unable at 9 time 10: u reached threshold 0.05 time 12: una reached threshold 0.05 time 12: ble reached threshold 0.05 SPANNING una+ble at 12 ACTIVATIONS file tracks, for each target, the activation (and share of total activation), at each timestep, of each lexeme specified in the targets file for that target (decimal places truncated in example): TARGET infamous infamous in famous infamous in famous 52817 79 0 74596.0 195.04 0 0.0113 2.98169470281474e-005 0 105355.64 484.4276 0 0.0154 7.11996576674887e-005 0 90016.45 1198.6 0 0.0151 0.000202 0 79155.6 2968.0 0 0.0151 0.000567 0 71465.8 7348.4 0 0.0147 0.001516 0 66021.1 18192.1 0 0.0147 0.003279 0 62166.0 7395.1 0 0.0111 0.003642 0 59436.5 3034.1 0 0.0133 0.000687 =head1 OPTIONS --versions print Modules, Perl, OS, Program info --debug 0 don't print debugging information (default) --debug 1 print debugging information =head1 AUTHOR Kie Zuraw, but implementing: Harald Baayen, Robert Schreuder, and Richard Sproat (2000). Modeling morphological segmentation in a parallel dual route framework for visual word recognition. In Frank van Eynde & David Gibbon (eds.) Lexicon Development for Speech and Language Processing. Pp. 267-293. Harald Baayen & Robert Schreuder (2000). Towards a psycholinguistic computational model for morphological parsing. Transactions of the Royal SocietyLondon A 358: 1281-1293. =head1 CREDITS =head1 TESTED =head1 BUGS None that I know of--but haven't debugged thoroughly. =head1 TODO Look for bugs. Print modules... info on error =head1 UPDATES 2006-01-24 Minor enhancements to help, file naming, and output to console. 2006-01-09 Better handling of arguments. Help info added. 2006-12 Initial working code =cut