Generation, Recognition, and Learning

in Finite State Optimality Theory

Jason Riggle – 2004

Welcome to my dissertation beta-tester page. I’m currently circulating the manuscript and code below in hopes of getting some feedback before I release this work to the world at large at the end of August. Please feel free to read the dissertation without playing with the prolog program or to play with the code without reading the dissertation. Any and all comments on the dissertation, the code, or anything else will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to send me comments you can send them by email or just write all over the pdf and send that to me. If you have any trouble getting the program running, email me and I’ll walk you through it.



The Dissertation – (beta version)

pdf  Generation, Recognition, and Learning in Finite State Optimality Theory – One-up


pdf  Generation, Recognition, and Learning in Finite State Optimality Theory – Two-up, with only a 24% reduction in font size (nice for printing)

The Code  – change the file suffixes from .txt to .pl once you’ve down loaded these


pl  This is the Prolog code for the algorithms

– you’ll need Prolog, Ghostview, and Graphviz installed to run it properly, and don’t forget to change the file suffixes to .pl


pl   This is Eval for the ranking Onset >> NoCoda >> Dep >> Max  

– you don’t need this because you can build your own, but my code looks for this file when it is compiled.


            Prolog, Graphviz, and Ghostview

X  SWI-Prolog
X  Graphviz

X  Ghostview        For Windows you’ll need to add Ghostview to your path so that it can be called from the command line. Go to: My Computer/Properties/Advanced/Environment Variables, Highlight Path and then click on Edit and add “ C:\PROGRA~1\Ghostgum\gsview; ” to your path and then restart your machine.

          – if you have any trouble send me an email