Computational Semantics (LING 209C)
Winter 2004
Marcus Kracht
Time: Monday, Wednesday 2 - 4pm. Location: Conference Room
(Campbell Halle 2122).
Short Description:
The course will start with predicate logic and DRT, and maybe also
a little lambda-calculus. Then we shall
move on to issues of interpretation and semantic composition.
There are course notes by Patrick Blackburn
and Johan Bos which you
can look at by clicking here. We will
especially use the first chapter dealing with
predicate logic. They
have also written a short survey article
about computational semantics in Theoria.
The course will start with the first part of my manuscript
Agreement Morphology, Argument Structure and Syntax.
The first chapter is an introduction
to predicate logic, lambda-calculus and categorial grammar.
Additional Material:
• Latin Sequence of Tense
• Presupposition Projection and Three Valued Logic