Software for minimalist grammars (MGs) and related systems
- Cornell Conditional Probability Calculator (CCPC)
by John Hale, Tim Hunter & al. (posted July 2013)
- MG to MCFG translation in Ocaml,
by Matthieu Guillaumin
(posted May 2005)
- MG[+SpIC_mrg] TD beam parser
implemented in 5 different programming languages
(posted Aug 2012)
- MCFG TD beam parser
in OCaml by
E Stabler
(posted Aug 2012)
- MG CKY parser and utilities in SWI Prolog, by
E Stabler (posted ca. 2001)
The soundness, completeness, and efficiency of these parsers for MGs is established by
Harkema 2001 and Michaelis 2001, avaliable
• A faster OCaml implementation
by John Hale (2003)
is here.
• An even faster OCaml implementation, by
E Stabler (posted May 2010)
is here.
- MCFG parser and utilities in Ocaml, by
Dan Albro (posted Feb 2004)
- MCFG parser and utilities in Prolog, by
Peter Ljunglöf
- mTPG CKY parser in SWI Prolog, by
E Stabler (posted Feb 2004)
- XTAG parsers of various kinds
- Grail3 type logical grammar parser in SICStus Prolog,
by Richard Moot
- Open CCG parser in Java