Registration for WCCFL 27 can be done in advance or on-site.

To register on-site, please visit the registration desk upon your arrival. On Friday, the registration desk will be in the Rolfe Courtyard until 10:50. After that, it will be located on the Public Affairs Terrace. On Saturday and Sunday, the registration desk will be located on the Humanities Terrace. To see these locations on a map, click here.
Registration fees:
Student pre-registration: $15
Student on-site registration: $25
Non-student pre-registration: $40
Non-student on-site registration: $50
Due to technical difficulties, online registration **WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE**. We apologize for the inconvenience. As such, we are extending the deadling for early registration, and ask that you register by mail.

To register in advance, download, fill out, and mail in the PDF registration form along with your form of payment. If you will use a check or money order, please make it out to 'UC Regents'. If you will use your credit card, please also use the credit card payment form.

You will receive a verification e-mail when your registration form is received and has been successfully processed. THe pre-registration pricing will only be available if your forms are POSTMARKED by UPDATED: Saturday, May 3.
Registration Forms
General mail-in registration form: (.PDF)
Credit card payment form: (.PDF)

Important note for foreign registrants: If a foreign registrant cannot pay in advance due to lack of a US checking account or valid credit card, he/she may still apply for the reduced fee. Foreign registrants may submit their registration form without payment with the international status box checked; payment can then be made onsite at the reduced rate.

27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics

Contact Us: Department of Linguistics, 3125 Campbell Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095

Registration for the Conference