Below is the program for this year's WCCFL (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). The list of posters being presented at WCCFL27 is at the bottom of this page.

On Friday, the registration desk will be in the Rolfe Courtyard until 10:50. After that, it will be located on the Public Affairs Terrace. On Saturday and Sunday, the registration desk will be located on the Humanities Terrace. To see a map of these and other pertinant locations, click here.

For a printable PDF version of this page, click here.


8:00-9:15Registration and Breakfast (Rolfe Courtyard)

--Opening and Plenary Session 1:    (Rolfe 1200)
Chair: Bruce Hayes
9:30-10:30Elliott Moreton (UNC):
Modularity Bias in Phonological Pattern Learning

10:30-10:50Break (Rolfe Courtyard)

--Session 1:    10:50-12:20
Public Affairs 1234Public Affairs 1246
Phonology 1 Syntax-Semantics 1
Chair: Adam AlbrightChair: Roumyana Pancheva
10:50 Guillaume Thomas (MIT):
An analysis of the Xiamen Tone Circle
Marta Abrusan (MIT) and Benjamin Spector (Harvard):
An interval-based semantics for degree questions: negative islands and their obviation
11:20 Chiyuki Ito (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies):
Analogical Changes in the Accent of Sino-Korean Words in Yanbian Korean
Urtzi Etxeberria and Ricardo Etxepare (IKER-CNRS):
Measure Phrases and Counting in Basque
11:50 Katharine Dutcher and Mary Paster (Pomona College):
Contour Tone Distribution in Luganda
Jon Nissenbaum and Bernhard Schwarz (McGill University):
The scope of too with gapped infinitival clauses

12:20-2:20Lunch Break

--Session 2:    2:20-4:20
Public Affairs 1234Public Affairs 1246
Special Session: Explaining Phonological Typology: Channel or Analytic Bias Syntax 1
Chair: Kie ZurawChair: Felicia Lee
2:20 Sara Finley and William Badecker (Johns Hopkins University):
Analytic Biases for Vowel Harmony Languages
Bartosz Wiland (University of Poznan):
Circumstantial Evidence for Syntactic Head Movement
2:50 Adam Albright (MIT):
Chaotic evolution in an unbiased learner
Marijke De Belder (Catholic University of Brussels):
Size Matters: Towards a syntactic decomposition of countability
3:20 Franz Katzir-Cozier (MIT):
Encoding perceived contrast between CC-clusters & simplified counterparts in coda CC simplification
Jessica Coon (MIT):
When Ergative = Genitive: Nominals and Split Ergativity
3:50 Jie Zhang and Yuwen Lai (University of Kansas):
Phonological Knowledge beyond the Lexicon in Taiwanese Double Reduplication
Pavel Grashchenkov (Moscow State University) and Vita Markman (Simon Fraser University):
Non-core arguments in verbal and nominal predication: high/low applicatives and possessor raising

4:20-4:40Break (Public Affairs Terrace)

--Session 3:    4:40-6:10
Public Affairs 1234Public Affairs 1246
Semantics 1 Syntax 2
Chair: Elena GuerzoniChair: Andrew Simpson
4:40 Ilana Mezhevich (University of Calgary):
A time-relational approach to tense and mood
Marjorie Pak (UPenn):
A-movement locality and intervention effects in Luganda
5:10 Ezra Keshet (MIT):
Only the Strong: Restricting Situation Variables
Eric Potsdam (University of Florida) and Maria Polinsky (Harvard):
Covert A-Movement: New evidence from the Caucasus
5:40 Daniel Altshuler (Rutgers University):
The role of aspect and reference time in the interpretation of Russian indirect reports
Minjeong Son and Peter Svenonius (University of Tromsø):
Microparameters of Cross-Linguistic Variation: Directed Motion and Resultatives


8:30-9:00Breakfast (Humanities Terrace)

--Session 4:    9:00-10:30
Humanities 135Humanities 169
Phonology 2 Special Session: Experimental Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics (part 1)
Chair: Michael MarloChair: Nina Hyams
9:00 Jiwon Yun (Cornell):
Noun-Verb Asymmetries in Korean Phonology
Tania Ionin (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign):
An experimental investigation of the semantics and pragmatics of specificity
9:30 Darya Kavitskaya (Yale University) and Peter Staroverov (Moscow State University):
Opacity in Tundra Nenets
Laura Kertz (UC San Diego):
Focus Structure and Acceptability in Verb Phrase Ellipsis
10:00 Wendell Kimper and Emily Elfner (UMass, Amherst):
Reduplication without RED: evidence from diddly-infixation
Jorie Koster-Moeller (Pomona College), Jason Varvoutis (MIT) and Martin Hackl (Pomona College):
Verification Procedures for Modified Numeral Quantifiers

10:30-10:50Break (Humanities Terrace)

--Session 5:    10:50-12:20
Humanities 135Humanities 169
Semantics 2 Special Session: Experimental Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics (part 2)
Chair: Benjamin SpectorChair: Carson Schütze
10:50 Olga Kagan (UC Santa Cruz) and Ilona Spector (Hebrew University of Jerusalem):
Alternative Semantics for the Hebrew Determiner Eize
Elsi Kaiser (USC) and Jeffrey Runner (University of Rochester):
Intensifiers in German and Dutch anaphor resolution
11:20 Asya Pereltsvaig (Stanford):
Russian -nibud Items as Dependent Indefinites
Jon Sprouse (UC Irvine):
Magnitude Estimation and the (non-)Linearity of Acceptability Judgments
11:50 Adrian Brasoveanu (Stanford):
Sentence-Internal Readings of Same / Different as Quantifier-Internal Anaphora
Thomas Weskott and Gisbert Fanselow (University of Potsdam):
Scaling Acceptability -- Different Measures, Same Results

12:20-2:20Lunch Break

--Session 6:    2:20-3:50
Humanities 135Humanities 169
Phonology 3Syntax 3
Chair: Jie ZhangChair: Peter Hallman
2:20 Kuniko Nielsen and Colin Wilson (UCLA):
A Bayesian Network Model of Multi-level Phonetic Imitation
Clemens Mayr (Harvard) and Viola Schmitt (University of Vienna):
Extraction from coordinate structures, the ordering of operations, and inaccessible domains
2:50 Ying Lin (University of Arizona):
Stochastic Relaxation and the Innatist Approach to Language Acquisition
Adam Szczegielniak (Harvard/Warsaw University):
Islands in Sluicing in Polish
3:20 Uriel Cohen Priva (Stanford):
Using Information Content to Predict Phone Deletion
Ivano Caponigro (UC San Diego) and Maria Polinsky (Harvard):
Relatively speaking (in Circassian)

3:50-4:10Break (Humanities Terrace)

--Poster Session    (Haines A-level)
4:10-5:10Poster Session (Roster)

--Plenary Session 2    (Haines A51)
Chair: Carson Schütze
5:10-6:10Liina Pylkkänen (NYU)
Semantic Composition and the Anterior Midline Field

6:10Dinner/Party (Rolfe Courtyard)


8:30-9:00Breakfast (Humanities Terrace)

--Session 7:    9:00-10:30
Humanities 135Humanities 169
Semantics 3Syntax 4
Chair: Daniel BüringChair: Maria Luisa Zubizarreta
9:00Oliver Bott (University of Tübingen):
Doing it again and again may be difficult - but it depends on what you are doing...
Jeremy Hartman (MIT):
Dwarf-class verbs, Theta-theory, and Argument Linking
9:30Elsi Kaiser (USC):
Interpreting Finnish reciprocals
Stephanie Harves (Pomona College):
Intensional Transitives and Silent HAVE: Distinguishing between WANT and NEED
10:00Christian Ebert (University of Bielefeld), Cornelia Endriss (University of Osnabrück) and Stefan Hinterwimmer (Humboldt University of Berlin):
Topics as Speech Acts - An Analysis of Conditionals
Martin Hackl and Jorie Koster-Moeller (Pomona College):
Quantifier Scope Constraints in ACD: Implications for the Syntax of Relative Clauses

10:30-10:50Break (Humanities Terrace)

--Session 8:    10:50-12:20
Humanities 135Humanities 169
Semantics 4Syntax 5
Chair: Ivano CaponigroChair: Anoop Mahajan
10:50 Vincent Homer (UCLA):
Intervention by Presupposition
Miki Obata and Samuel Epstein (UMich):
Deducing improper movement from phase based C-to-T phi transfer
11:20Luis Alonso-Ovalle (UMass, Boston) and Paula Menendez-Benito (UMass, Amherst):
Minimal Domain Widening
Galen Basse (University of Washington):
Factive Complements as Defective Phases
11:50Ana Arregui (University of Ottawa):
Some remarks on domain widening
Masaya Yoshida (The University of Edinburgh) and Ángel Gallego (Autonomous University of Barcelona):
Phases and Ellipsis

12:20-2:20Lunch (Humanities Terrace)

--Session 9:    2:20-3:50
Humanities 135Humanities 169
Phonology 4Syntax-Semantics 2
Chair: Rachel WalkerChair: Hilda Koopman
2:20Michal Temkin Martínez (USC):
Exceptionality and Variation in Modern Hebrew Spirantization
Jesse Harris (UMass, Amherst):
Interpreting Raising and Matching Analyses of Relative Clauses: Two Roads to Heim's Ambiguity
2:50Gillian Gallagher (MIT):
Segmental identity and in laryngeal cooccurrence restrictions
Aviad Eilam (UPenn):
Intervention Effects: Why Amharic Patterns Differently
3:20Tobias Scheer (CNRS, University of Nice):
Piece-driven phase and one single phonology
Kathryn Davidson, Ivano Caponigro and Rachel Mayberry (UC San Diego):
On the Syntax and Semantics of Question-Answer Pairs in American Sign Language

3:50-4:10Break (Humanities Terrace)

--Plenary Session 3    (Haines A51)
Chair: Hilda Koopman
4:10-5:10Hagit Borer (USC):
Notes on Late Insertion

5:10-6:00Departing Reception (Humanities Terrace)

List of Posters

Flavia Adani (University Milano-Bicocca)Re-thinking the acquisition of Relatives: a new comprehension study with Italian children
Lobke Aelbrecht (Catholic University of Brussels)Modal complement ellipsis and deletion in narrow syntax
Artemis Alexiadou and Florian Schaefer (University of Stuttgart)Instrumental -er nominals revisited
Luis Alonso-Ovalle (UMass, Boston) and Paula Menendez-Benito (UMass, Amherst)Exceptional Scope Across Islands
Maria Giavazzi (MIT)On the distribution of velar Palatalization in Italian
Claire Halpert (MIT)Overlap-Driven Consequences of Nasal Place Assimilation in Zulu
Yuki Hirose (University of Tokyo) and Yoshihisa Kitagawa (Indiana University)Asymmetry between Encoding and Decoding of Wh-scope in Japanese
Christina Kim, Christine Gunlogson, Michael Tanenhaus and Jeffrey Runner (University of Rochester)Information integration and domain restriction: Interpreting 'only' in context
Heejeong Ko and Jae-Young Choi (Seoul National University)Economy in rightward movement: moving into inner edge
Vera Lee-Schoenfeld and Jason Kandybowicz (Swarthmore College)Third Tone Patterns in Mandarin Chinese: A New Perspective
Chizuru Nakao (University of Maryland)On Focus of Negation
Junko Shimoyama (McGill University)Indeterminate NPIs and Scope
Koji Sugisaki (Mie University)Swiping in Child English
Shigeki Taguchi (UConn)Head Movement in Overt Syntax: Its Interaction with Object Shift and PF Requirements
Paul Willis (UC Santa Cruz)The Role of Topic-hood in Multiple-Wh Question Semantics

27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics

Contact Us: Department of Linguistics, 3125 Campbell Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095

WCCFL 27 Program