Call for papers

Deadline for submission: April 7, 2018; April 28, 2018 at 11.59 pm PST (23.59)

Submissions are open for 30 minute slots (20 minute talks+10 minutes for discussion).

An EasyChair account has been set up for your submission:

Abstracts should contain original research that, at the time of submission, has neither been published nor accepted for publication. Please bear in mind that a good abstract may, but need not contain, a fully worked out solution.

One person can submit at most two abstracts, only one of which can be singly authored. Abstracts must be submitted electronically in PDF format. Submissions should be anonymous and not reveal the identity of the author(s) in any form (e.g., references, file name or properties of the abstract).

Abstracts must not exceed two pages in letter-size or A4 paper, including examples and references, with 2.5 cm (or 1 inch) margins on all sides and 11-point font size.

All questions and comments should be addressed to: