The UCLA Linguistics Department’s normal business hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. Office schedule and availability may change based on staff availability. For questions or assistance, please contact or (310) 825-0634.
- Połczyńska M, Japardi K, Curtiss S, Moody 1, Benjamin C, Cho A, Vigil C1, Kuhn T, Jones M, Bookheimer S. 2017. Improving language mapping in clinical fMRI through assessment of grammar. Neuroimagg Clin. 15:415-427. pdf
- Połczyńska M., Kuhn T., You S.C., Walshaw P., Curtiss S., Bookheimer S. 2017b. Assessment of grammar optimizes language tasks for the intracarotid amobarbital procedure. Epilepsy & Behavior. 76:89-100. pdf
- S. Curtiss. The Case of Chelsea. pdf
Polczynska, M., Curtiss, S., Walshaw, P., Siddartha, P., Benjamin, C., Moseley, BD., Vigil, C., Jones, M., Eliashiv, D. and S, bookheimer. Grammar tests increase the ability to lateralize language function in the Wada test. Epilepsy Res. 108, (10), 1865-1873. pdf
- S. Curtiss and J. Yamada. The Curtiss-Yamada Comprehensive Language Evaluation for Neurosurgy (The CYCLE-N)
- Curtiss, S. 2013. Revisiting modularity: Using language as a window to the mind. In M. Piatelli-Palmarini and R.C. Berwick (Eds.) Rich Languages from Poor Inputs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 68-90. pdf Appendix including descriptions of tests pdf2005
- Curtiss, S. and Schaeffer, J. 2005. Syntactic development in children with hemispherectomy: The I-, D-, and C-systems. Brain and Language, vol. 94, 2, 147-66. pdf2004
- Curtiss, S., MacSwan, J., Schaeffer, J., Kural, M. and Sano, T. 2004. GCS: A grammatical coding system for natural language data. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, vol. 3, 459-480. pdf
- Curtiss, S., MacSwan, J., Schaeffer, J., Kural, M. and Sano, T. 2004. GCS: A grammatical coding system manual. pdf
- Grinstead, J., MacSwan, J., Curtiss, S., and Gelman, R. 2004. The independence of language and number. pdf2003
- Curtiss, S. and de Bode, S. 2003. How normal is grammtical development in the right hemisphere following hemispherectomy? The root infinitive stage and beyond. Brain and Language, vol. 86, 193-206. pdf
- Gilkerson, J., Hyams, N., and Curtiss, S. 2003. On the scope of negation: More evidence for early parameter setting. To appear in Proceedings of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition. Utrecht, The Netherlands. pdf2002
- Gilkerson, J., Hyams, N., and Curtiss, S. 2002. ‘No I Understand Negation’: A preferential looking paradigm study of early knowledge of sentential and anaphoric negation. pdf2001
- Curtiss, S., de Bode, S., and Mathern, G.W. 2001. Spoken language outocmes after hemispherectomy: Factoring in etiology. Brain and Language, vol. 79, 3, 379-96. pdf2000
- de Bode, S. and Curtiss. S. 2000. Language after hemispherectomy. Brain and Cognition, vol. 43, 135-205. pdf
- de Bode, S. and Curtiss, S. 2000. How the brain copes with a phantom hemisphere and supports language development. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual BUCLD, vol. 1, 232-41. pdf
- Curtiss, S. 2000. Acquisition of word and sentence structure. In V. Fromkin (Ed.) Linguistics: An Introduction to Linguistic Theory. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. pdf1999
- Curtiss, S. and de Bode, S. 1999. Age and etiology as predictors of language outcome following hemispherectomy. Developmental Neuroscience, vol. 21, 174-181. pdf
- de Bode, S. and Curtiss, S. 1999. Neurobiological mechanisms of language acquisition in Sturge Weber Syndrome. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual BUCLD, vol. 1, 150-161. pdf1998
- Grinstead, J., MacSwan, J., Curtiss, S. and Gelman, R. 1998. The independence of language and number. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual BUCLD, vol. 1, 303-313. pdf
- Curtiss, S. and de Bode, S. 1998. Language outcomes for hemispherectomized children. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual BUCLD, vol. 1, 121-133. pdf1996
- Caplan, R., Curtiss, S., Chugani, H. and Vinters, H.V. 1996. Pediatric Rasmussen Encephalitis: Social communication, language, PET, and pathology before and after hemispherectomy. Brain and Cognition, 32, 45-66. pdf1995
- Curtiss, S. 1995. Language as a cognitive system. In N. Chomsky (Ed.) Critical Assessment. Routledge, 211-255. pdf1992
- Curtiss, S., Katz, W. and Tallal, P. 1992. Delay versus deviance in the language acquisition of normal and language-impaired children. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, vol. 35, 2, 373-383. pdf
- Katz, W., Tallal, P., and Curtiss, S. 1992. Rapid automatized naming and gesture by normal and language-impaired children. Brain and Language, vol. 43. 623-641. pdf1991
- Kempler, D., Curtiss, S., Metter, E.J., Jackson, C.A., and Hanson, W.R. 1991. Grammatical comprehension, aphasic syndromes and neuroimaging. Journal of Neurolinguistics, vol. 6, 3, 301-318. pdf
- Tallal, P., Townsend, J., Curtiss, S. and Wulfeck, B. 1991. Phenotypic profiles of language. Brain and Language, vol. 41, 81-95. pdf1990
- Curtiss, S. 1990. What happens if you are raised without language?. pdf1989
- Tallal, P., Ross, R. and Curtiss, S. 1989. Familial aggregation in Specific Language Impairment. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, vol. 54, 167-173. pdf
- Tallal, P., Ross, R. and Curtiss, S. 1989. Unexpected sex-ratios in families with language learning-impaired children. Neuropsychologia, vol. 27, 7, 987-998. pdf1988
- Curtiss, S. 1988. Abnormal language acquisition. In F.J. Newmeyer (Ed.) Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey, Volume II Linguistic Theory: Extensions and Implications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 96-116. pdf
- Jackson, C.A., Kempler, D., Hanson, W.R., Curtiss, S., Metter, E.J. and Van Lancker, D. 1988. Syntactic facility in fluent aphasia. In T. Prescott (Ed.), Clinical Aphasiology, 1988 (Conference on Clinical Aphasiology//Clinical Aphasiology). Cape Cod, MA: College Hill Press, 357-367. pdf
- Tallal, P., Curtiss, S. and Kaplan, R. Curtiss, S. 1988. The San Diego Longitudinal Study. In S.E. Gerber & G.T. Mencher (Eds.) International Perspectives on Communication Disorders. Washington D.C.: Gallaudet University Press, 86-126. pdf1987
- Curtiss, S. 1987. Interagency committee on learning disabilities report to the U.S. Congress: Developmental language disorders pdf
- Kempler, D., Curtiss, S. and Jackson, C. 1987. Syntactic preservation in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, vol. 30, 343-350. pdf1986
- Curtiss, S., Jackson, C.A., Kempler, D., Hanson, W.R. and Metter, E.J. 1986. Length vs. structural complexity in sentence comprehension in aphasia. Clinical Aphasiology, vol. 16, 45-55. pdf1985
- Curtiss, S. 1985. The development of human cerebral lateralization. In D. Frank Benson and E. Zaidel (Eds.) The Dual Brain. New York, NY: The Guillford Press, 97-116. pdf1983
- Curtiss, S. 1983. Genie. In Reynolds, C.R. and Fletcher-Janzen, E. (Eds.) Concise Encyclopedia of Special Education: A Reference for the Education of the Handicapped and Other Exceptional Children and Adults. New York: NY, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 709-710. pdf1982
- Curtiss, S. 1982. Developmental dissociations of language and cognition. In L. Obler and L. Menn (Eds.) Exceptional Language and Linguistics (Perspectives in Neurolinguistics, Neuropsychology, and Psycholinguistics). New York, NY: Academic Press, 285-312. pdf
- Curtiss, S. 1982. The special talent of grammar acquisition. In L. Obler and L. Menn (Eds.) Exceptional Language and Linguistics (Perspectives in Neurolinguistics, Neuropsychology, and Psycholinguistics). New York, NY: Academic Press, 364-386. pdf1981
- Curtiss, S. 1981. Dissociations between language and cognition. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, vol. 11, 1, 15-30. pdf1979
- Curtiss, S., Prutting, C.A. and Lowell, E.L. 1979. Pragmatic and semantic development in young children with impaired hearing. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, vol. 22, 534-552. pdf1978
- Curtiss, S. 1978. A New “Wild Child”? [Review of the book The Wild Boy of Burundi: A Study of an Outcase Child by H. Lane & R. Pillard]. Contemporary Psychology, vol. 25, 4, 337. pdf
- Curtiss, S., Fromkin, V.A. and Krashen, S.D. 1978. Language development in the mature (minor) right hemisphere. ITL: Review of Applied Linguistics 39-40, 23-37. pdf1975
- Curtiss, S., Fromkin, V., Rigler, D., Riger, M. and Krashen, S. 1975. An update on the linguistic development of Genie. In Dato, D.P. (Ed.) Developmental Psycholinguistics: Theory and Applications. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 145-153. pdf1974
- Curtiss, S., Fromkin, V., Krashen, S., Rigler, D. and Rigler, M. 1974. The linguistic development of Genie. Language, vol. 50, 3, 528-554. pdf
- Fromkin, V., Krashen, S., Curtiss, S., Rigler, D. and Rigler, M. 1974. The development of language in Genie: A case of language acquisition beyond the “Critical Period”. Brain and Language, vol. 1, 81-107. pdf
- Krashen, S.D., Curtiss, S., Fromking, V., Rigler, D. and Rigler, M. 1974. Lateralization in the case of Genie. From: BRI, CEREBRAL DOMINANCE, Conference Report #34. University of California, Los Angeles, 13-14. pdf1973
- Curtiss, S. Krashen, S., Fromkin, V., Rigler, D. and Rigler, M. 1973. Language acquisition after the critical period: Genie as of April, 1973. 98-103. pdf