AMP 2022 @ UCLA

The 2022 Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP), was held at UCLA from 21-23 October. AMP, founded in 2013, is held every Fall, and showcases high quality research in all areas of phonology. Photos from the 2022 event can be found here. The Proceedings volume can be accessed online here.
Land Acknowledgement
The Organizing Committee acknowledges the Tongva people as the traditional land caretakers of the Los Angeles basin and the southern Channel Islands from time immemorial.
All authors of oral presentations and poster presentations were invited to submit papers based on their talks or posters to the Proceedings of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, distributed by the Linguistic Society of America. The current issue, from the 2022 meeting, can be accessed online here.
For individual talks, see the tabs at the bottom of the screen.
Download the schedule here.
Additionally, guidelines for poster presentations can be found here.
How to register
All conference participants will be required to register. The deadline for registration ($100, $20 students/unemployed) is October 18.
Please visit this site to register:
Invited Speakers
Gaja Jarosz (UMass Amherst)
Hannah Sande (UC Berkeley)
Donca Steriade (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Important Dates
- Registration closes: October 18, 2022
- Conference dates: October 21-23, 2022
- Proceedings submission deadline: January 16, 2023
Guide for Attendees
Our Guide for Attendees includes all the information that Meeting participants will find useful before and during AMP, including COVID precautions, conference behavior, how to prepare for your talk or poster, and how to navigate around the venue and the greater area. Please access it here.
Code of Conduct
AMP 2022 is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment for all linguists. We expect all Meeting participants to abide by our Code of Conduct, which may be found here.
Meeting Sponsors
The Organizing Committee would like to acknowledge our funding sources, without which we could not have put on this conference: the UCLA Department of Linguistics, the UCLA Dean of Humanities, the Theresa and Henry Biggs endowed chairship in Linguistics, and the participants’ registration fees.
Please send all queries to conference organizers at:
AMP Organizing Committee 2022
- Noah Elkins
- Bruce Hayes (chair)
- Jinyoung Jo
- Jian-Leat Siah