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Hendrik Kim Dissertation Defense
Feb 7, 2024 @ 12:00 pm
Campbell 3103D,
The syntax of negation in Korean given an antisymmetric and cartographic framework
In this talk, I will reassess the syntax of preverbal and postverbal negation by taking into consideration a framework which is based on the antisymmetry theory (Kayne 1994) in conjunction with the cartographic program (Cinque 1999), building on the works by Koopman & Szabolcsi (2000), Cinque (2005), and Koopman (2005). The proposed framework assumes a theory of syntax in which the linear order of elements reflects their hierarchical order, with the only possible hierarchical order being Spec-Head-Complement order. It bans post-syntactic operations, covert movement, and head movement. The main idea is that the proposed framework will choose the analysis for preverbal negation, postverbal negation, and negative indefinites as well as intervention effects.This SynSem will be held on Zoom:
https://ucla.zoom.us/j/95942616174?pwd=SGlsSkxmbmQ3TXlhcDltV2NoMi95QT09 Meeting ID: 959 4261 6174 Passcode: 972526