Phonetics Seminar: Claire Moore-Cantwell
2122 Campbell Hall“Stress priming with and without segmental overlap”
Phonetics Seminar: Kevin Liang and Ben Eischens & Jahnavi Narkar
2122 Campbell Hall(1) Kevin Liang, BUCLD practice talk “The influence of phonotactics on morphological decomposition in infancy” (2) Ben Eischens & Jahnavi Narkar, Sound Systems of Latin America (SSLA4) practice talk, “The production of phonation type in San Martín Peras Mixtec”
Phonetics Seminar: Pat Keating
2122 Campbell HallPat Keating, “Phonation across languages”
Phonetics Seminar: Discussion of ASA Abstracts
2122 Campbell HallDiscussion of ASA Abstracts
Phonetics Seminar: Megha Sundara & Jeremy Steffman (U of Edinburgh)
2122 Campbell Hall“Are features sub- or supra-segmental? Evidence from phonetic categorization and eye tracking”
Phonetics Seminar: Meg Cychosz
2122 Campbell Hall"Deriving vocal milestones from large-scale, cross-linguistic samples of infant and child speech"