Phonetics Seminar w Jason Bishop (CUNY)
ZoomDo individualdifferences in working memory capacity predict individual differences in speechplanning? Three prosodic tests
Phonetics Seminar: Fernando Llanos (U of Texas, Austin), “Reopening the sensitive period in adult learners of lexical tones”
Abstract: Humans are excellent learners. Yet, a notable and well-documented exception is the acquisition of non-native speech categories by adults. Speech category learning is supported by multiple systems and, as we learn more about these systems, it is becoming possible to improve perceptual behavior in adult learners. In this talk, which reflects on my postdoctoral...
Phonetics Seminar: Matthew Faytak & Bowei Shao (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle), “Fricative noise targets for vowels: a comparative acoustic study”
Abstract: The so-called "fricative" and "apical" vowels, which occur throughout the Chinese languages, are known to have constriction locations more anterior than those of high front vowels, and are canonically produced with some fricative noise. However, recent descriptions have disagreed on how much fricative noise is actually involved in the production of these vowels, with...
Hironori Katsuda & Jeremy Steffman Practice talk TAI / LSA
Campbell Hall 2122A"Prominence-boundary interactions in speechperception: evidence from Japanese vowel length"
Hironori Katsuda & Jeremy Steffman Practice talk
Campbell Hall 2122ATAI “"Prominence-boundary interactions in speech perception:evidence from Japanese vowel length"
Jahnavi Narkar on Auto VOT; Christine Prechtal practice talk for TAI
"Lexical Stress Strength vs Macro-RhythmStrength: An Inverse Relationship Between Prominence Cues."