Faculty Meeting (ladder)
Campbell Hall 2122personnel review faculty meeting (ladder faculty only)
Hironori Katsuda & Jeremy Steffman Practice talk
Campbell Hall 2122ATAI “"Prominence-boundary interactions in speech perception:evidence from Japanese vowel length"
AIS w/ Aaron H. Sonnenschein (CSULA)
ZoomZoom link for the quarter: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/92255343520?pwd=MDZZbCtZclk5Z3V1RVkyMnY4UWcwUT09You may need a passcode: 371245This course is scheduled in the Linguistics Conference Room, 2122 Campbell Hall. Pam Munro will be there every week and you are welcome to join her if you want (please bring your computer and plan to join on Zoom; earbuds might be helpful).
Jahnavi Narkar on Auto VOT; Christine Prechtal practice talk for TAI
"Lexical Stress Strength vs Macro-RhythmStrength: An Inverse Relationship Between Prominence Cues."
AIS w/ Iara Mantenuto (CSUDH), Chiara Di Maio (Syracuse University), Marju Kaps (Birbeck, University of London)
ZoomZoom link for the quarter: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/92255343520?pwd=MDZZbCtZclk5Z3V1RVkyMnY4UWcwUT09You may need a passcode: 371245This course is scheduled in the Linguistics Conference Room, 2122 Campbell Hall. Pam Munro will be there every week and you are welcome to join her if you want (please bring your computer and plan to join on Zoom; earbuds might be helpful).
Psycho/CompLing Semiar PCIbex tutorial with Isa Cabrera Sanchez
Campbell Hall 2122Contact Laurel Perkins (perkinsl@ucla.edu) for a Zoom link if you'd like to join remotely.
Faculty Meeting (ladder)
Campbell Hall 2122shortlists (ladder faculty only) (THIS MEETING WILL START AT 9)
Canaan Breiss practice talk for LSA
“Multiply-conditioned vowel assimilation in Yembaimperatives”
Faculty Meeting (ladder) – tentative
Campbell Hall 2122shortlist if necessary)