Faculty Meeting – personnel actions
Campbell Hall 2122A/Bphonetics decision
Phonetics Seminar with Megha Sundara
Phonetics Seminar 2101K or ZoomAIS: IZA SOLA-LLONCH
Zoomhttps://ucla.zoom.us/j/98856740002?pwd=V1lFbHExeUEwQjlPeTB1a3oybGM5QT09Passcode: 427872
Syntax-Semantics Seminar
Must be enrolled to attend. 1/5 and 1/12 will be via zoom. Future event locations TBA.
LING 264: 264: Joint Psycholinguistics / Computational Seminar
Campbell Hall 2122A/BWe're continuing the combined computational andpsycholinguistics seminar this quarter; areas include language acquisition,computational psycholinguistics, language processing, and others inexperimental and computational linguistics. Anyone interested in these areasand their intersection is invited to attend. We meet weekly on Thursdays 4-5:30 PM. The schedule isentirely open and can be found here.Our firstmeeting will be an organizational meeting this Thursday,...
Faculty Meeting – personnel actions
Campbell Hall 2122A/Bsearch
Zoomhttps://ucla.zoom.us/j/98856740002?pwd=V1lFbHExeUEwQjlPeTB1a3oybGM5QT09Passcode: 427872
LING 264: 264: Joint Psycholinguistics / Computational Seminar
Campbell Hall 2122A/BWe're continuing the combined computational andpsycholinguistics seminar this quarter; areas include language acquisition,computational psycholinguistics, language processing, and others inexperimental and computational linguistics. Anyone interested in these areasand their intersection is invited to attend. We meet weekly on Thursdays 4-5:30 PM. The schedule isentirely open and can be found here.Our firstmeeting will be an organizational meeting this Thursday,...
Talk with Colloquium speaker: Bob Frank
Conference Room 2122A/BAll members of the Linguistics Department are invited to a bonus talk with Bob Frank about the "Ways of using generative capacity and other formal properties of grammars to assess different varieties of neural networks."