Spring Faculty Meeting
Review of Grad students. Time: 9am- Finished
Colloquium with Connor Mayer (UCLA – Grad Colloquium)
ZoomTitle TBA. Venue: Zoom. Please note the passcode. https://ucla.zoom.us/j/95041126939?pwd=aFpWUmNiZ09yd1NUc2VjRmtIaXBHdz09 Meeting ID: 950 4112 6939 Passcode: panini For guests outside of UCLA, please submit an RSVP for colloquiums you would like to attend. Email the Department Coordinator, at linguist@humnet.ucla.edu, to be added to the "Friends of Linguistics" listserv.
Doctoral Celebration
ZoomJoin us for a Doctoral celebration via Zoom! PDF Flyer Link
UCLA Linguistics 2021 Commencement
Please join the Linguistics Department onSaturday, June 12, 2021for a Virtual Department Graduation Ceremony celebrating our Graduating Class of 2021! More information will be available in the coming weeks. Refer to our Commencement page for the most up-to-date commencement news. We will be in touch with graduating seniors soon!
AIS – Ordinal Fest
ZoomOrdinals Fest - Every quarter we have a Fest on some general topic. Our ordinals fest will feature people telling us about ordinal numbers (their morphology, phonology, syntax - whatever interests you!) in any language they'd like. If you would like to volunteer to present, please send me a note by July 13. I'll let...