Faculty Meeting
Personnel case (ladder faculty only, except GLC rep at beginning)
Colloquium Talk with Jeremy Steffman
Prosodic context in speech perceptionWhen listeners process spoken language, they extract information about (1) segmental categories, defining the words intended by a speaker and (2) prosodic features, which convey information about prominence, grouping, and so on (i.e. how the words are said). These two parts of understanding spoken language are often studied as separate, however, their joint...
AIS Meeting w Tony Yates
ZoomZoom link will be sent out via listserv
Phonology Seminar with Yang Wang
https://ucla.zoom.us/j/98445210292?pwd=T0F3N0VQSFUycHZ1MzBlTzNSWW5XZz09 Meeting ID: 984 4521 0292 Passcode: 099188 Please contact Bruce Hayes at bhayes@humnet.ucla.edu if you are interested in giving a seminar.
Canaan Breiss: Practice Talk for CUNY
ZoomCanaan Breiss present a practice talk for next week's CUNY conference. Inside the wug-test: phonological well-formedness and processing costs. https://linguistics.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/CUNY_2021_abstract_350.pdf Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/99418223045?pwd=YXQrM29FSWhVZ1dZMGdHdVd4c2Ftdz09 Meeting ID: 994 1822 3045 Passcode: 398484
Phonetics Seminar w Jake Aziz
ZoomPitch Accents in Malagasy Imperatives: Marking Syntax or Something Else?
AIS Meeting w Blake Lehman
ZoomZoom link will be sent via listserv