Colloquium Talk with Molly Babel
ZoomMolly Babel (UBC). Faculty host: Claire Moore-Cantwell.Zoom link: Email the Colloquium Committee at to be added to the listserv. For guest outside of UCLA, please submit an RSVP for colloquiums you would like to attend.Abstract:When do listeners care about phonetic variation?Spoken language is immenselyvariable. Some of that variation may be associated with social categories andsome...
AIS Meeting w Pam Munro
ZoomZoom link will be sent out via listserv
Syntax Seminar – Presentation of 2nd Years
ZoomTom Trigg: "Towards a typology of reconstruction effects" Isa Solá-Llonch: "Verbal prefixes in San Cristóbal Lachirioag Zapotec" Kerri Devlin: "Deriving Adjunction".
Phonology Seminar with Connor Mayer
Practice job talkZoom info: ID: 984 4521 0292Passcode: 099188Please contact Bruce Hayes at if you are interested in giving a seminar.
Faculty Meeting
AIS Meeting w Travis Major
ZoomZoom link will be sent out via listserv
Syntax Seminar (No meeting)
ZoomNo meeting, simply a hang out
Phonology Seminar with Claire Moore-Cantwell
"Batch vs. Gradual learning algorithims for constraint weights" You are invited to participate with a laptop in front of you, to share software demos.Zoom info: ID: 984 4521 0292Passcode: 099188Please contact Bruce Hayes at if you are interested in giving a seminar.
Faculty Meeting
Personnel case (ladder faculty only, except GLC rep at beginning)