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Colloquium with Ryan Bochnak (UBC)
ZoomZoom link will be available one week before the talk. Emailthe Colloquium Committee at uclacolloquium@gmail.com to be added to thelistserv. For guest outside of UCLA, please submit anRSVPfor colloquiums you would like to attend.
AIS w/ Pam Munro
ZoomSyntax Seminar – Tommy Tsz-Ming Lee (USC)
ZoomTopic TBA
Phonology Seminar – Canaan and Hiro: “Probabilistic paradigm uniformity in Japanese voiced velar nasalization”
Zoomhttps://ucla.zoom.us/j/93456634479?pwd=eVBJTzRiWHczeFpnOFZBeTA3WVNkdz09 Meeting ID: 934 5663 4479 Passcode: 405973 Please contact Claire Moore-Cantwell (moore-cantwell@humnet.ucla.edu)if you are interested in giving a seminar.
AIS w/ Travis Major
ZoomSyntax Seminar – Hashmita Agarwal + Arthur Mateos
ZoomTopic TBA