Faculty Meeting
2122 Campbell Hall2122 Campbell Hall
Winter 2024 American Indian Seminar – Travis Major (USC)
2122 Campbell HallMeet Tuesdays 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM on Zoom, but you can also hybridize with Professor Munro in person in the 2122A Conference Room each week - just bring your laptop.
Winter 2024 American Indian Seminar – Pamela Munro
2122 Campbell HallMeet Tuesdays 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM on Zoom, but you can also hybridize with Professor Munro in person in the 2122A Conference Room each week - just bring your laptop.
Phonology Seminar – Black Lehman
2122 Campbell HallPhonology and morphology in Avatime, Dschang, and Hän (practice job talk) Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/91545617700 If you would like to schedule a presentation, please email Ben Eischens (beischens@ucla.edu).
Colloquium Talk – Jonah Katz: Prosodic structure, timing, and fortition-lenition patterns
Location - Royce Hall 362 Title: Prosodic structure, timing, and fortition-lenition patterns Abstract: This talk reviews cross-linguistic evidence that certain common lenition processes such as spirantization, intervocalic voicing, and flapping take place in a component of grammar that governs the fine-grained temporal dynamics of speech sounds and their interaction with prosodic structure. I argue that...
Winter 2024 American Indian Seminar – TBA
2122 Campbell HallMeet Tuesdays 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM on Zoom, but you can also hybridize with Professor Munro in person in the 2122A Conference Room each week - just bring your laptop.
Colloquium Talk – Sam Zukoff: Morpheme Ordering Happens in the Phonology
Location - Math and Science 5200 Title: Morpheme Ordering Happens in the Phonology Abstract: The determination of the order of morphemes within words has traditionally been modeled using cyclic concatenation, the one-by-one attachment of affixal morphemes to the root, guided by morphosyntactic constituency via the “Mirror Principle” (Baker 1985). In this talk, I propose an alternative,...
Winter 2024 American Indian Seminar – Iara Mantenuto (CSUDH)
2122 Campbell HallMeet Tuesdays 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM on Zoom, but you can also hybridize with Professor Munro in person in the 2122A Conference Room each week - just bring your laptop.
Phonology Seminar – Kie Zuraw & Paolo Roca
2122 Campbell HallFilipino word prosody: Evidence from textsetting If you would like to schedule a presentation, please email Ben Eischens (beischens@ucla.edu).
Colloquium Talk – Connor Mayer: Are scalar models of sonority enough? Insights from L2 acquisition of English complex onsets
Languages vary in their phonotactics: how sounds are allowed to be sequenced into words. For example, although English, Spanish, and Farsi all have the sounds /p l s/, English allows the complex onsets /sp/ and /pl/, as in ‘speech’ and ‘play’, Spanish only /pl/, as in ‘playa’, while Farsi allows no complex onsets at all....