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Colloquium Talk – Chris Kennedy: Pragmatic Indecision

Pragmatic Indecision Vague predicates are obligatorily tolerant (Wright 1973).  For example, the positive form gradable adjective ‘long’ cannot be used to draw a sharp distinction, even when the facts of the context of utterance and the semantic properties of the sentence in which it occurs otherwise conspire to make such uses possible:  in a context...

Winter 2024 American Indian Seminar – TBA

2122 Campbell Hall

Meet Tuesdays 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM on Zoom, but you can also hybridize with Professor Munro in person in the 2122A Conference Room each week - just bring your laptop.

Faculty Meeting

2122 Campbell Hall

2122 Campbell Hall

Colloquium Talk – Edward Flemming – Generating and parsing f0 contours using a model of f0 production

  I will present ongoing work aimed at developing a framework for formulating phonetic grammars of tone realization that can derive complete fundamental frequency (f0) contours from phonological specifications. The proposed framework consists of two main components: A set of weighted constraints that select and locate optimal tone targets for a given phonological representation, and...

Colloquium Talk – Ryan Bennett: Anticipatory nasalization in A’ingae

  Anticipatory nasalization in A’ingae: Language-specific phonetics, not incomplete neutralization (Joint work with Scott AnderBois, Shen Aguinda, and Hugo Lucitante)   Cross-linguistically, vowels often undergo contextual nasalization in and sequences. In English, vowel nasalization in appears partial rather than categorical. Cohn (1990, 1993) influentially argued that vowels in contexts in English are phonologically unspecified for...