Faculty Meeting
2122 Campbell HallPhonology Seminar: Adeline Tan, practice WCCFL talk
2122 Campbell HallColloquium: Erik Zyman
Location: Haines Hall 220 On the Symmetry Between Merge and Adjoin A crucial task for syntactic theory is to determine what syntactic operations are made available by the human capacity for language, what their properties are, and why they have the properties they do. This talk aims to bring us closer to that goal by...
ASA posters: Pat Keating, Yuan Chai
2122 Campbell HallJon Rawski: “Rethinking Poverty of the Stimulus”
2122 Campbell HallColloquium: Jennifer Kuo
When phonological learning is not statistical: how learning biases have reshaped Malagasy paradigms One view of phonological learning is that it is driven by a domain-general bias towards frequency-matching, and therefore predictable from statistical distributions of the language (Albright 2002; Ernestus & Baayen 2003; Nosofsky 2011). A competing view is that learning is influenced by...