Summer Courses

Summer Classes In Linguistics

Why Attend Linguistics Courses This Summer?
  • To fulfill your interest in the field of linguistics
  • To help you graduate sooner
  • To get a head start on General Education requirements
  • To complete your prep. courses so you can take upper division Linguistics classes sooner
  • To start working on your requirements for the Linguistics major(s)
  • To take advantage of summer’s smaller classes and relaxed atmosphere
  • To change academic or geographic environment
  • To see what it’s like to take a class at UCLA
What Is Linguistics?

Linguistics is the systematic study of human language in general. Linguists try to understand how languages are put together, how they are alike and how they differ from one another, how they change and how people learn and use them.

What Courses Are Offered?

Summer 2025 course information is available on the Schedule of Classes. Select “Summer Sessions 2025” as the Term and “Linguistics (LING)” for the Subject Area. For general questions about Linguistics, please contact the Undergraduate Student Affairs Officer.

UCLA Enrollment

For more details about specific courses visit here:

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I enroll?
For more information (how to enroll, cost/fees, etc.), visit the Summer Sessions website.
Summer sessions office and email:
1331 Murphy Hall
Tel: (310) 825-4101
Do I have to be a UCLA student to take summer classes?
No. However, you will need to register as a summer student to attend and attain credit. Please visit the Summer Sessions website for more information.
How many courses can I take in Summer?
Students can register for up to 18 units in summer sessions. We strongly recommend only two courses per session. However, if you need to take more units, you can request a unit limit increase via the UCLA Summer Sessions Office.
How long are Linguistics Summer courses?
Linguistics courses (subject area “LING”) are 6 weeks long in Summer, with the exception of Linguistics 103 which is an 8 week course.
Can I take courses with time conflicts?
Students are able to register for courses with time conflicts. However, students are required to attend lecture and discussions for all classes. Therefore if there is a time conflict, consider contacting the instructors first to ask if leaving class early would be allowed. Otherwise, you may need change your course schedule and contact the Undergraduate Student Affairs Officer for guidance with course planning.