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Canaan Breiss: Practice Talk for CUNY


Canaan Breiss present a practice talk for next week's CUNY conference. Inside the wug-test: phonological well-formedness and processing costs. https://linguistics.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/CUNY_2021_abstract_350.pdf Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/99418223045?pwd=YXQrM29FSWhVZ1dZMGdHdVd4c2Ftdz09 Meeting ID: 994 1822 3045 Passcode: 398484

Laurel Perkins: Verb Learning and Event Representations in Infancy


Join us this Thursday at 4pm to hear our own Laurel Perkins: abstract below.https://ucla.zoom.us/j/99418223045?pwd=YXQrM29FSWhVZ1dZMGdHdVd4c2Ftdz09Meeting ID: 994 1822 3045Passcode: 398484Verb Learning and Event Representations in InfancyInfants use the syntactic distributions of...

Idan Blank: Practice Talk


Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/99418223045?pwd=YXQrM29FSWhVZ1dZMGdHdVd4c2Ftdz09Meeting ID: 994 1822 3045Passcode: 398484