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Psycholing/CompLing Seminar: Feedback on HSP abstracts (tentative)
2122 Campbell HallFaculty Meeting
ZoomFaculty Meeting
Conference Room 2122 A/BAmerican Indian Linguistics Seminar, Corey Roberts (University of Arizona)
ZoomZoom: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/95378192464?pwd=QlFWUEgyZ09QWDArMUhycTNnS2FnZz09 Passcode: 232927
Phonology Seminar Organizational Meeting
2122 Campbell HallPsycho/CompLing Introductory/Organizational Meeting
2122 Campbell HallAmerican Indian Linguistics Seminar, Giusi Silvestri
ZoomZoom: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/95378192464?pwd=QlFWUEgyZ09QWDArMUhycTNnS2FnZz09 Passcode: 232927
Syntax and Semantics Seminar: János Egressy
Campbell 2122A/B"A Hungarian Answer to Locality: Zipper Merge" Syntactic opacity can be selective, that is, movement landing in a matrix clause-position may be only grammatical from within a subset of embedded...