Phonology Seminar: Practice Talks for Annual Meetings in Phonology
Campbell Hall 2122Lily Xu, “Allomorphy via Subcategorization in Cantel K’iche’” Yang Wang and ColinWilson, “Inductive bias in learning partial reduplication: Evidence from artificial grammar learning”
Psycholing/CompLing Seminar: Christian Muxica & Jesse Harris
2122 Campbell HallSelecting contextually relevant alternatives during comprehension An expression in focus is standardly taken to evoke a contextually salient set of alternatives to itself (Rooth 1992). In an influential study, Husband...
Faculty Meeting
Conference Room 2122 A/BColloquium: Modeling early phonetic learning from natural speech- Naomi Feldman, University of Maryland
Haines Hall A25Theories of language acquisition have typically been developed using an idealization of the phonetic learning problem. For example, phonetic category learning models have used input that is much less variable...
AIS: Travis Major, USC
Zoom may need a passcode: 767678
Phonology Seminar: Practice AMP Posters
Campbell Hall 2122Jinyoung Jo, “Inter-speaker variation in the realization of stem-final coronal obstruents in Korean” Jake Aziz, “Malagasy vowel devoicing as gestural alignment” Jennifer Kuo, “Markedness effects in paradigm reanalysis: the case of Malagasy...
CompLing/Psycholing Seminar: Liu/Mateu/Hyams practice BU Talk
2122 Campbell HallPlease join us this Thursday at 4:15 for this practice BU talk: Intervention effects in Mandarin-speaking children’s comprehension of passives Minqi Liu, Victoria Mateu, and Nina Hyams In Mandarin, passives...