Books authored
1980 Studies in Russian Functional Syntax (Harvard Studies in Syntax and Semantics III, Part II). Harvard University Linguistics Department: Cambridge, MA. 328 pp.
1986 Discourse and Word Order. Benjamins: Amsterdam-Philadelphia. 361 pp.
Reviews: Mignot, Xavier. Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 83.2: 67-69. 1988.
Brown, James E. Russian Language Journal 42 (141/143): 354–356. 1988.
Janko, T.E. Naučno-texničeskaja informacija 12.2: 30-32. 1990.
Golubeva-Monatkina, N.I. Voprosy jazykoznanija 1991.2: 148-152. 1991.
Růžička, Rudolf. Kratylos 37: 21-31. 1992.
2005 Kognitivnaja model’ diskursa i russkij porjadok slov (A Cognitive Discourse Model and Russian Word Order). Transl. by G.E. Krejdlin. Jazyki slavjanskoj kul’tury: Moskva. 420 pp. [authorized translation with revisions of 1986]
2008 Russian Peasant Letters: Texts and Contexts. 2 vols. Verlag Otto Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. 983 pp.
Reviews: Herzberg, Julia. Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 57.2: 270-272. 2008/9
Bohac, Rodney D. The Russian Review 68.4: 710-712. 2009.
Turner, S. Slavic and East European Journal 53.3: 533-535. 2009.
Feest, David. Historische Literatur 8-2010-2: 407-409. 2010.
Labunec, N.V., & D.E. Ertner. Vestnik Tjumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 2010.1:
279-281. 2010.
Rozanova, N.N. Voprosy jazykoznanija 2010.4: 122-127. 2010.
Kasatkina, R.F. Russkij jazyk v naučnom osveščenii 21.1: 310-315. 2011.
Lehfeldt, Werner. Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, Bd. 67.2: 441-444. 2012.
Kasatkina, R.F. Izvestija rossijskoj akademii nauk: ser. literatury i jazyka, 72.2: 65-70. 2013.
Kretschmer, Anna. Wiener Slavistisches Jarhrbuch, NF. 1, 327-330. 2013.
2010 Russian Peasant Letters: Life and Times of a 19th-century Family. Verlag Otto Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. 258 pp.
2014 Pis’ma russkix krest’jan: teksty i konteksty (Russian peasant letters: texts and contexts), 2 vols. Transl. by M.A. Ossipova, A.V. Ter-Avanesova, S.N. Ushakova. Jazyki slavjanskoj kul’tury: Moskva. 952 pp. [authorized translation with revisions of 2008]
Books edited
1990 Harvard Studies in Slavic Linguistics, vol. 1. Harvard University Slavic Linguistics Colloquium: Cambridge, MA. 360 pp.
Reviews: Jacobson, L.C.J. Slavic Review 53.4: 1143-1144. 1994.
Neil Bermel. Slavic and East European Journal 38.4: 724-725.
1993 Harvard Studies in Slavic Linguistics, vol. 2. Harvard University Slavic Linguistics Colloquium: Cambridge, MA. 265 pp.
Reviews: Jacobson, L.C.J. Slavic Review 53.4: 1143-1144. 1994.
Neil Bermel. Slavic and East European Journal 38.4: 724-725.
1995 Harvard Studies in Slavic Linguistics, vol. 3. Harvard University Slavic Linguistics Colloquium: Cambridge, MA. 242 pp.
1997 (with E. Klenin) Selected Essays of Catherine Chvany. Slavica: Columbus, OH. 391 pp.
Reviews: Krongauz, Maksim Anisimovič. Russian Linguistics 23: 303-306. 1999.
Camus, Rémi. Revue des études slaves 72.3/4: 636-640. 2000.
Book chapters
2001a “Proverbs”, in G. Gerhart & E. Boyle (eds.), The Russian Context, 297-351. Slavica: Bloomington, IN.
2001b “Science as Language”, in G. Gerhart & E. Boyle (eds.), The Russian Context, 593-618. Slavica: Bloomington, IN.
1975 “Personal or reflexive? – a functional analysis”, in S. Kuno (ed.), Harvard Studies in Syntax and Semantics I, 75-112. Harvard University Linguistics Department: Cambridge, MA.
l976 (with E. Klenin) “The semantics of ‘optional’ rules: Russian personal and reflexive possessives”, in L. Matejka (ed.), Sound, Sign, and Meaning: Quinquagenary of the Prague Linguistic Circle, 249-270. Michigan Slavic Publications: Ann Arbor, MI.
1978 “Reflexivization into adjectival reduced relative clauses in Russian”, Folia Slavica 2.366-375.
1980 “The history of gerund subject deletion in Russian”, in C.V. Chvany & R.D. Brecht (eds.), Morphosyntax in Slavic, 260-272. Slavica: Columbus, OH.
1981 “On sentence-coordination in Russian: a functional approach”, in Papers from the Seventeenth Regional Meeting, 431-439. Chicago Linguistic Society: Chicago.
1982 “Russian word order and Empathy”, in Papers from the Eighteenth Regional Meeting, 521-529. Chicago Linguistic Society: Chicago.
1983 “V zaščitu zapretnyx deepričastij (The case for dangling participles)”, in M.S. Flier (ed.), American Contributions to the Ninth International Congress of Slavists, vol. I, Linguistics, 373-381. Slavica: Columbus, OH.
1985 “A diversified approach to Russian word order”, in R.D. Brecht & M.S. Flier (eds.), Issues in Russian Morphosyntax, 187-208. Slavica: Columbus, OH.
1986a “Lexical frequency and its implications: the case of Contemporary Edited Russian”, Slavic and East European Journal 30.2: 147-166
1986b “High frequency vocabulary in Russian and in American English: A sociolinguistic comparison”, in A.L. Crone & C.V. Chvany (eds.), New Studies in Russian Language and Literature, 291-302. Slavica: Columbus, OH.
1987 “Towards a unified framework of Russian intonation”, in Proceedings of The Eleventh International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, vol. 2, 505-508. Tallin Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR: Tallin.
1988a “Disbelief, lies, and manipulations in a Transactional Discourse Model”, in H. Parret (ed.), Rhetoric of Lying (Argumentation 2.1): 131-149.
1988b (with B. Vine) “Sound patterns in the Slovo o polku Igoreve: comparative and theoretical perspectives on Old Russian poetics”, in J.G. Harris (ed.) Amercian Contributions to the Xth International Congress of Slavists, 415-433. Slavica: Columbus, OH.
1990a “K analizu russkix sočinitel’nyx sojuzov (Towards an analysis of Russian coordinating conjunctions)”, in N.D. Arutjunova (ed.), Protivorečivost’ i anomal’nost’ teksta, 190-194. Nauka: Moskva. Reprinted in N.D. Arutjunova & N.F. Spiridonova (eds.), 2003, Logičeskij analiz jazyka: Izbrannoe 1988-1995, 247-250. Indrik: Moskva.
1990b “Responding with a question in Colloquial Russian”, in O.T. Yokoyama (ed.), Harvard Studies in Slavic Linguistics, vol. 1, 175-194. Harvard University Slavic Linguistics Colloquium: Cambridge, MA. Also in M.H. Mills (ed.), Topics in Colloquial Russian, 1-16. Peter Lang: NY.
1990c “Reinterpreting the IK system: a phonological approach”, in O.T. Yokoyama (ed.), Harvard Studies in Slavic Linguistics, vol. 1, 195-214. Harvard University Slavic Linguistics Colloquium: Cambridge, MA
1991a “Towards a formal definition of discourse categories”, in W. Bahner, J. Schildt & D. Viehweger (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists, 2265-2268. Akademie-Verlag: Berlin.
1991b “Shifters and non-verbal categories of Russian”, in L.R. Waugh & S. Rudy (eds.), New Vistas in Grammar: Invariance and Variation (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 49), 363-386. Benjamins: Amsterdam-Philadelphia.
1992a “Sociolingvističeskij aspekt russkoj intonacii (Sociolinguistic aspects of Russian intonation)”, Russistik 1.92: 6-16.
1992b “Teorija kommunikativnoj kompetencii i problematika porjadka slov v russkom jazyke (A theory of communicative competence and the problem of Russian word order)”, Voprosy jazykoznanija 6: 94-102.
1993a “Narrative intonation in Zoščenko”, in O.T. Yokoyama (ed.), Harvard Studies in Slavic Linguistics, vol. 2, 214-242. Harvard University Slavic Colloquium: Cambridge, MA. Also in E. Semeka-Pankratov (ed.), 1995, Studies in Poetics: Commemorative Volume for Krystyna Pomorska (1928-1986), 559-588. Slavica: Columbus, OH.
1993b “Oppozicija svoj-čužoj v russkom jazyke (The opposition svoj-čužoj in Russian)”, in R.A. Maguire & A. Timberlake (eds.), American Contributions to the Eleventh International Congress of Slavists, 452-459. Slavica: Columbus, OH.
1993c “Discourse, word order and the human factor”, in E. Hajičová (ed.), Functional Description of Language, 253-269. Charles Univ. Press: Prague.
1994a “Iconic manifestation of interlocutor distance in Russian”, Journal of Pragmatics 22: 83-102.
1994b “Speaker Imposition and Short Interlocutor Distance in Colloquial Russian”, Revue des études slaves LXVI/3: 681-697.
1995a “Slavic linguistics as a discipline and an occupation in the United States”, Journal of Slavic Linguistics 2.2: 186-200.
1995b “Slavic Discourse Grammar and the literary text”, in O.T. Yokoyama (ed.), Harvard Studies in Slavic Linguistics, vol. 3, 187-212. Harvard University Slavic Colloquium: Cambridge, MA.
1996 “Non-propositional encoding of discourse categories”, in B.H. Partee & P. Sgall (eds.), Discourse and Meaning, 17-29. Benjamins: Amsterdam-Philadelphia.
1997 “Impozicija i intonacija (Imposition and intonation)”, in Ch. Sappok & L.V. Bondarko (eds.), Bjulleten’ fonetičeskogo fonda russkogo jazyka 6: 28-39. Bochum-St. Petersburg.
1998 “Kommunikativnye neudači v ramkax Transakcionnoj modeli diskursa (Communicative failures in the framework of the Transactional Discourse Model)”, in M.Ja. Glovinskaja (ed.), Liki jazyka, 122-130. Moskva: Nasledie.
1999a “The Speech Act Empathy Hierarchy and Russian possessives”, in A. Kamio & K. Takami (eds.), Function and Structure, 57-82. Benjamins: Amsterdam-Philadelphia.
1999b “Russian genderlects and referential expressions”, Language in Society 28: 401-429.
1999c “Gender linguistic analysis of Russian children’s literature”, in M.H. Mills (ed.), Slavic Gender Linguistics, 57-84. Benjamins: Amsterdam-Philadelphia.
2000a “Teaching heritage speakers in the college Russian language classroom”, in O. Kagan & B. Rifkin (eds.), The Learning and Teaching of Slavic Languages and Cultures, 467-475. Slavica: Bloomington, IN.
2000b “Èmpatija v ramkax transakcionnoj modeli diskursa (Empathy in the Transactional Discourse Model)”, in L.P. Krysin (ed.), Russkij jazyk segodnja, 276-286. Azbukovnik: Moscow.
2001 “Neutral and Non-Neutral Intonation in Russian: A Reinterpretation of the IK System”. Die Welt der Slaven XLVI.1: 1-26.
2002a “Kognitivnyj status gendernyx različij v jazyke i ix pragmatičeskoe modelirovanie (The cognitive status of genderlinguistic distinctions and their pragmatic modeling)”, in J. van Leeuwen-Turnovcová, K. Wullenweber, U. Doleschal, & F. Schindler (eds.), Gender-Forschung in der Slawistik, 29-40. Wiener slawistischer Almanach (Sonderband 55): Vienna. Also in M.E. Glavackij et al. (eds.), 2003, Izvestija Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 25, Serija Problemy obrazovanija, nauki i kul’tury, vyp. 13, 12-19. Ural Univ. Press: Ekaterinburg.
2002b “Markirovannost’ t.n. nejtral’noj intonacii: po dannym detskoj reči (The markedness of so-called neutral intonation: evidence from child language)”, Problemy fonetiki IV, 148-157.
2003a “Svoi i čužie: mežkul’turnaja kommunikacija i ètničeskie stereotypy v čexovskoj Rossii (Ours and aliens: cross-cultural communication and ethnic stereotypes in Chekhovian Russia)”, in N.A Kupina, & M.B. Xomjakov (eds.), Filosofskie i lingvokul’turologičeskie problemy tolerantnosti, 463-474. Ural Univ. Press: Ekaterinburg. Republished in 2005 in: Zolotaja kollekcija, 455-466. OLMA-Press: Moscow.
2003b “Speech genre differences in the fundamental frequency of Russian men and women”, in J. van Leeuwen-Turnovcová & U. Röhrborn (eds.), Beiträge des Gender-Blocks zum XIII. Internationalen Slavistenkongress in Ljubljana, 7-28. Verlag Otto Sagner: München.
2003c “Nejtral’naja i nenejtral’naja intonacija v russkom jazyke: avtosegmentnaja interpretacija sistemy intonacionnyx konstrukcij (Neutral and non-neutral intonation in Russian: an autosegmental reinterpretation of the IK system)”. Voprosy jazykoznanija 2003.5: 99-122. [revision & translation of 2001]
2003d (with M. Krause & Ch. Sappok) “Accentual prominence in a Russian dialectal text: an experimental study”, Russian Linguistics 27.3: 251-285.
2003e “Intonacija kak sredstvo xarakteristiki kommunikativnogo modusa povestvovanija v zoščenkovskom tekste (Intonation as means of characterization in the narrative communicative mode in texts by Zoščenko)”, Russkij jazyk v naučnom osveščenii 2003.6: 127-143.
2004a “Sokrovennyj sub”ekt: pragmasemantika japonskogo teksta (The covert subject: the pragmasemantics of Japanese texts)”, in Ju.D. Apresjan et al. (eds.), Sokrovennye smysly: slovo, tekst, kul’tura, 426-436. Jazyki slavjanskoj kul’tury: Moscow.
2004b “Pragmasemantika referentnyx vyraženij v pis’max krest’jan konca 19-go veka (The pragmasemantics of referential expressions in late 19th-century peasant letters)”, in A.N. Eremin (ed.), Semantika i pragmatika jazykovyx edinic, 310-326. Kaluga Univ. Press: Kaluga.
2004c “Na styke semantiki, sintaksisa i pragmatiki: preljudija k sintaksičeskomu analizu predikativov (Where semantics, syntax, and pragmatics overlap: preliminaries to a syntactic analysis of ‘predicatives’)”, in M. Krause & Ch. Sappok (eds.), Slavistische Linguistik 2002: 323-345. Otto Sagner: München.
2005 “Znaki prepinanija v krest’janskix pis’max konca XIX v. (Punctuation in late XIX c. peasant letters)”, in V.N. Toporov et al. (eds.), Jazyk, ličnost’, tekst, 619-636. Jazyki slavjanskoj kul’tury: Moscow.
2006a “Word order in spoken discourse”, in K. Brown (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd ed., vol. 12, 88-95. Elsevier Science: Oxford.
2006b “Discourse grammar vs. prescriptive stylistics”, in Proceedings of the 27th Berkeley Linguistics Society Meeting, 327-337. Berkeley, CA.
2006c “Culture and Language: Realia Explored through Linguistics”, in Y. Kawaguchi, I. Kameyama, N. Tomimori, & T. Takagaki (eds.), Sinpoziumu, kouenkai, kenkyuu houkoku, 105-120. TUFS: Tokyo.
2006d “The logic of socially-transmitted superstitions”. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 44-45: 403-410.
2006e “Norma i normalizacija v ‘naivnyx’ pis’max krest’jan konca XIX-go v. (Linguistic norm and normalization in late XIX c. ‘naïve’ peasant letters)”, in L.P. Krysin et al. (eds.), Russkij jazyk segodnja: Problemy jazykovoj normy, IV, 248-259. Inst. rus. jaz. im. V.V. Vinogradova RAN: Moskva.
2007a “Pozdnjaja zaimstvovannaja leksika v pis’max krest’jan konca XIX-go veka (Lexical borrowings in late XIX c. peasant letters)”, in E.A. Zemskaja et al. (eds.). Jazyk v dviženii, 214-224. Jazyki slavjanskoj kul’tury: Moskva.
2007b “Priloženie v nenormirovannoj častnoj perepiske krest’jan konca XIX-go v. (Apposition in the non-normative personal correspondence of late XIX c. peasants)”, in M.V. Ljapon & A.B. Kudelin (eds.), Jazyk kak materija smysla, 395-407. Azbukovnik: Moskva.
2008 “Gender-linguistic phenomena across languages: how universal are they?”, in M. Takeuchi (ed.), Individual Languages and Language Universals, 59-94. Kanagawa Univ. Press: Yokohama.
2009a “Linguistics as a diagnostic tool for textual ineptness: Narrative perspective in Zamjatin’s ‘Navodnenie’”. E. Kelih, V.V. Levickij, & G. Altmann (eds.), Metody analizu teksta / Methods of Text Analysis, 328-344. RUTA-Publishing House: Černivci.
2009b “Sentence and Phrase Intonation”, in S. Kempgen, P. Kosta, T. Berger, & K. Gutschmidt (eds.), Die slavischen Sprachen, vol. 1, ch. 10, 115-128. Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin-New York.
2009c “Discourse, Sentence Intonation, and Word Order”, in S. Kempgen, P. Kosta, T. Berger, & K. Gutschmidt (eds.), Die slavischen Sprachen, vol. 1, ch. 49, 707-714. Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin-New York.
2010 (with B. Vine) “PIE *(h1)euh1-dh– ‘excrete liquid’ and Russian dialectal udut (3 pl.)”, in T.M. Nikolaeva (ed.), Issledovanija po lingvistike i semiotike, 191-197. Jazyki slavjanskoj kul’tury: Moscow.
2011a “Speaking from experience”. Issues in Applied Linguistics 18.2: 215-222.
2011b “Gender v pis’max krest’jan 19-go veka (Gender in 19th century peasant letters)”, in Regina Nohejl, Friderike Karl, & Elisabeth Cheauré (eds.), Konstrukty nacional’noj identičnosti v russkoj kul’ture: vtoraja polovina XIX stoletija – Serebrjanyj vek, 141-152. RGGU Univ. Press: Moscow.
2012 “K metateorii perevoda: perevod kak diskurs (Towards a metatheory of translation: translation as discourse)”, in M.V. Ljapon (ed.), Čelovek o jazyke – jazyk o čeloveke, 152-160. Azbukovnik: Moscow.
2013 “Sentential Stress in written texts: evidence from literary and dialectal Russian”. Phonological Studies 16: 109-115.
2014a “Modeling the shifting face of the discourse mediator”, in J. Árokay, J. Gvozdanović & D. Miyajima (eds), Divided Languages? Diglossia, Translation and the Rise of Modernity in Japan, China, and the Slavic World, 161-180. Springer: Heidelberg-New York.
2014b “The use of the ‘polite vy’ in Russian: a pragmatic change in progress”, in M.S. Flier, D.J. Birnbaum, & C.M. Vakareliyska (eds.), Philology Broad and Deep: In Memoriam Horace G. Lunt, 341-361. Slavica: Bloomington IN.
2014c “Referencija 1-go l. mn. č. kak pokazatel’ identičnosti v pis’max krest’jan 19-go veka (1 p. pl. reference as identity index in 19th century peasant letters)”, in M.L. Kalenčuk & D.M. Savinov (eds.), Problemy fonetiki (i ne tol’ko), vol VI, 248-255. AST-Press: Moscow.
2017 “Encounters with Roman Jakobson”, Slavistika XXXII, 3-6.
2018a “Ro-man Yakobuson to no deai” (authorized annotated translation of 2017 into Japanese by K. Yamanaka), Renyxa, vol. 8, 195-206. Dept. of Contemporary Literary Studies, The Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo: Tokyo.
2018b “Control in dangling participles”, in D. Gunkel, S.W. Jamison, A.O. Mercado, & K. Yoshida (eds.), Vina Diem Celebrent, 459-470. Beech Stave Press: Ann Arbor-New York.
2018c “Ot zerkal’nyx nejronov k reči: èmpatija v mozgu i v jazyke (From mirror neurons to speech: Empathy in the brain and in language)”, in D. Szumska & K. Ozga (eds.), Jazyk i metod, vol. 6, xx-yy. Wyd. Universytetu Jagellońskiego: Kraków. (to appear)
2018d (with M. Cohen, T. Kann, & E. Zaidel) “Correlations between Linguistic Empathy and Social Empathy as evidence for shared mechanisms of perspective taking” (in progress).
Reviews and review articles
1982 Paul Garde, Grammaire russe, vol. 1: Phonologie-morphologie. Slavic Review 41.2: 396.
1986 Joost J. van Baak (ed.), Signs of Friendship: To Honour A.G.F. van Holk. Slavic and East European Journal 30.3: 434-436.
1987 Roman Jakobson, Russian and Slavic Grammar: Studies 1931-81, L.R. Waugh & M. Halle (eds.). Folia Slavica 7: 377-379.
1988 Michael S. Flier & Alan Timberlake (eds.), The Scope of Slavic Aspect. Slavic and East European Journal 32.1: 157-159.
1989 Richard D. Brecht & James S. Levine (eds.), Case in Slavic. Slavic and East European Journal 33.1: 144-147.
1992 Roman Jakobson, On Language, L.R. Waugh & M. Monville-Burston (eds.). The Russian Review 51.4: 579-580.
1995 Per Durst-Andersen, Mental Grammar: Russian Aspect and Related Issues. Journal of Pragmatics 23: 13-18.
1996 Alexander V. Bondarko, Functional Grammar: A Field Approach. Journal of Pragmatics 24: 335-343.
2012 “Responding to Bara: tightening, explicating, and making consistent”, Intercultural Pragmatics 9.3: 385-397.
Books translated
1967 (with Y. Okada) Soveeto seisin igaku niuumon (Introduction to Soviet psychiatry); by N.V. Vinogradov, Lekcii po psixiatrii, Minsk, 1963. Iwasaki Scientific Publisher: Tokyo. 246 pp.
1979 (with Y. Okada) Koozi sinkei katudoo no kyakkanteki kenkyuu (An objective examination of higher nervous activity); by I.P. Pavlov, Polnoe sobranie sočinenij, vols. 3.1 (392 pp.) & 3.2 (438 pp.), Moskva, 1951. Iwasaki Scientific Publisher: Tokyo. 619 pp.
2021 (working title) I.P. Pavlov, Complete Works, volume III (pts. 1 and 2): A Translation. Oxford University Press: Oxford-New York. (in progress)
Articles translated
1975 “On information-bearing structure of the sentence”; by Vilém Mathesius (O tak zvaném aktuálním členění vĕty), Slovo a slovesnost 5, 171-174, Prague, 1939. In S. Kuno (ed.) Harvard Studies in Syntax and Semantics I, 467-480. Harvard University Linguistics Department: Cambridge, MA.
1984a (with B. Vine) “Morphological Observations on Slavic Declension”, by R. Jakobson, “Morfologičeskie nabljudenija nad slavjanskim skloneniem”. In R. Jakobson, Russian and Slavic Grammar: Studies l931-81, L.R. Waugh & M. Halle (eds.), 105-133. Mouton Publishers: New York.
1984b (with B. Vine) “Contribution to the General Theory of Case”, by R. Jakobson, “Beitrag sur allgemeinen Kasuslehre: Gesamtbedeutung der russischen Kasus”. In R. Jakobson, Russian and Slavic Grammar: Studies 1931-81, L.R. Waugh & M. Halle (eds.), 59-103. Mouton Publishers: New York.
1984c (with B. Vine) “Structure of the Russian Verb”, by R. Jakobson, “Zur Struktur des russischen Verbums”. In R. Jakobson, Russian and Slavic Grammar: Studies 1931-81, L.R. Waugh & M. Halle (eds.), 1-14. Mouton Publishers: New York.
1998 Interview of O.T. Yokoyama, jointly with E.A. Zemskaja. S. Koester-Thoma; In Russistik 21-22:115-126.
2001 Interview of O. T. Yokoyama. N.A. Kupina; In M.B. Xomjakov (ed.); In Tolerantnost’ 1:151-154. Urals Univ. Press: Ekaterinburg.
2007 “Ljubeznyj syn Vasilij Lavrovič! (Beloved son Vasily Lavrovich)”, Otečestvennye zapiski 2007.5: 344-358.
2013 Interview of O. T. Yokoyama. Irena Gecevič, Universitet i region 27/28:16-18. Tjumen’ Univ.: Tjumen’.
2016 “My 79 Cents: The Productivity Gap between Male and Female Senior Faculty at UCLA”, in Reports and Initiatives Regarding Gender Equity at UCLA, Gender Equity. UCLA Center for the Study of Women.