M.A. Theses & Papers

Downloadable M.A. Theses & Papers

FirstLastCurrent PositionYearThesis
HannahLippard2024The pragmatics of Cinyungwe object marker doubling
JohnMcGahay2024 Vowel System Typology and Confusion Minimization
KevinLiang2024The influence of phonotactics on suffix discovery in infancy
CorrinaFuller2024Word-initial /p/ in Khalkha Mongolian: Variation in Connected Speech
IsaCabrera Sanchez2023Nasal harmony in Paraguayan Guarani: Positional effects and the representation of nasality
JánosEgressy2023Size- and position-dependent opacity in Hungarian
TeelaHuff2023A Preliminary Phonological Illustration of Xavante
KlausKim2023Towards an analysis of passive verbs in Q'antel K'iche'
NoahCoen2023On Nominal Polysemy
ChristianMuxica2023On the role of semantic priming in selecting contextually relevant focus-alterantives
HashmitaAgarwal2022Phases are Read-Only
KalenChang2022Another take on nonrestrictive adjectives
ArthurMateos2022ATB Movement, Case, and Late Unify
LiamKaech2022Word Stress and Phrasal Intonation in Addis Ababa Amharic
MatthewCzuba2022Past and Future in Bamiléké-Dschang
KatyaKhlystova2021Phonetic Variations of Coronals in English Infant-directed Speech: A Large-Scale Corpus Analysis
IzaSola-Llonch2021Aspects and Arguments of the Lachirioag Zapotec verb
YangWang2021Regular languages extended with reduplication: formal models, proofs and illustrations
BethanySturman2021Perceptual saliency, lenition, and learnability: An artificial grammar learning study
GabrielTeixeira2021Against Exclusion-Based Counterfactuality
PhillipBarnett2021Arc-Eager Construction Provides Learning Advantage Beyond Stack Management
LilyXu2021Predicting (the unpredictable) vowel distributions in Egyptian Arabic verbs: a lexicon study
HuileiWang2021Exceptional-scope effects in Mandarin relative clauses
AbeerAbbas2021Farasani Arabic intonational Phonology: A preliminary model
BlakeLehman2020Tone-Prominence Interaction in Han Athabaskan
ColinBrown2020Illocutionary Mood Marking in Sm’algyax
NoahElkins2020Prefix independence: Typology and Theory
Zhongshi (Andy)Xu2020Choosing Rhotacization Site in Beijing Mandarin: The Role of Perceptual Similarity
JoJinyoung2020Loss of Productivity in Phonological Processes: The Case of Korean Vowel Harmony
Jennifer Kuo2020Evidence for Base-Driven Alternation in Tgdaya Seediq
MadeleineBooth2019Reconstruction and Resumptive Pronouns in Cairene Arabic
HironoriKatsuda2019A Preliminary Model of Ikpana Intonational Phonology
MinqiLiu2019The Syntax and Acquisition of Mandarin Sluice-like Constructions
RichardStockwell2019Participant Switching Verb Phrase Ellipsis
Z.L.Zhou2019Phonetic Evidence for a Feed­forward Model: Rounding and Center of Gravity of English [ʃ]
CanaanBreiss2018The Role of Markedness in Phonological Processing Above the Word Level
PhillippeCote-Boucher2018Scalar Modification and Pointwise Exhaustification
ConnorMayer2018An Algorithm for Learning Phonological Classes from Distributional Similarity
JeremySteffman2018Intonation Mediates Speech Rate Normalization in the Perception of Segmental Categories
AdamRoyer2017Individual Differences in the Production and Processing of Focus Intonation
Maura ChristineO'Leary2017Tense in Cleft Constructions
Luke AlexanderWest2017Word Prosody and Intonation of Sgaw Karen
Deborah JiaMing Wong2016Negative Polarity and Free Choice Items in Malay: An Exhaustification Account
NikolaosAngelopoulus2015Explorations of (Greek) Pseudo-relatives
Eleanor R.Glewwe2015Tonal Assignment in English Loanwords in Mandarin Chinese
Eun HwaLee2013Speech Production and Perception of Heritage Speakers of Korean
DustinBowers2012Phonological Restructuring in Odawa
LaurenWinans2012Alternative Disjunctions in Egyptian Arabic
MichaelLefkowitz2012The Nature of Phonetic Disassociation from Lexical Neighbors
LauraKalin2011Hixkaryana: The Derivation of Object Verb Subject Word Order
Chen-HsiuKuo2011The Production of Syllable Contraction in Taiwan Mandarin
LauraMcPherson2011Tonal Underspecification and Interpolation in Tommo So
Jian-JingKuang2011Production and Perception of the Phonation Contrast in Yi
MarcGarellek2010The acoustics of coarticulated non-modal phonation
JamesWhite2010Experimental evidence for pre-lexical inhibition in spoken word recognition
HeatherBurnett2009Formal Approaches to Semantic Microvariation: Adverbial Quantifiers in European and Québec French
IsabelleCharnavel2009Linking Binding and Focus: on intensifying son propre in French
DenisPaperno2009On the Syntax and the Semantics of Hybrid Coordination Construction in Russian
BenjaminGeorge2008Presupposition Repairs: a Static, Trivalent Approach to Predicting Projection
NicholasLacasse2008Constraints on Connectives and Quantifiers Solving the over-generation problem of dynamic semantics
ChadVicenik2008An Acoustic Analysis of Georgian Stops
KristineYu2008The prosody of second position clitics and focus in Zagreb Croatian
VictoriaThatte2007Phonetic Motivation as a Learning Bias in Phonological Acquisition: An Experimental Study
SameerKhan2006Similarity Avoidance in Bengali Fixed-Segment Reduplication
ChristinaKim2006Structural Priming and Non-surface Representations
AnandaLima2006Post Verbal Subjects and Agreement in Brazilian Portuguese
Leonard (Chacha)Mwita2006A Metrical Analysis of a Kuria Praise Poem
LawrenceCheung2005Syntax and Semantics of Dislocation Focus Construction in Cantonese
JeffHeinz2005CV Metathesis in Kwara’ae
AndrewMartin2005The Effects of Distance on Lexical Bias: Sibilant Harmony in Navajo Compounds
PatrickBarjam2004The Intonational Phonology of Porteño Spanish [abstract]
KunikoNellsen2004Segmental differences in the visual contribution to speech intelligibility
DimitrisNtelitheos2004Syntax of Elliptical and Discontinuous Nominals
ChristinaEsposito2003Santa Ana Del Valle Zapotec Phonation
BrookLillehaugen2003The Categorial Status of Body Part Prepositions in Valley Zapotec Languages
EricJackson2002The Stative s– Morpheme in Pima
Chai-ShuneHsu1995A Phonetically-Based Optimality Theoretic Account of Consonant Reduction in Taiwanese
Hyuck-JoonLee1999Tonal realization and Implementation of Accentual Phrase in South Korean
HiroyukiNagahara1988Toward an Explicit Phonological Representation for American Sign Languagean Sign Language