Linguistics TA Training
Teaching Assistants for classes in our department must complete a TA training course, LING 495, prior to or concurrently with their first course as TA. This 2-unit course is taught in Spring quarter and covers general pedagogical theory as well as discipline-specific training. If a student wishes to TA in Linguistics but LING 495 is not being offered at the time, they may take an equivalent 495 course in another department in its place.
Teaching Assistant Consultant
LING 495 is taught by the department’s Teaching Assistant Consultant, typically a fourth-year graduate student in Linguistics with an extensive teaching record. During their term, the TAC is responsible for developing and teaching LING 495, attending the TAC Educational Development Academy, and supporting new TAs.
The TAC is hired at 25% (10 hours/week) during Spring quarter, in place of an undergraduate teaching appointment. When funding allows it, the TAC’s stipend is topped up to that of a 50% appointment. Students interested in serving as the TAC should contact the DGS in Winter of their third year.
495 Curriculum
The Graduate Division requires that students in 495 enroll in five Foundations of Teaching workshops:
- How Students Learn
- Nuts and Bolts of Lesson Planning
- Active Learning
- Assessment and Grading
- Creating Inclusive Classrooms
TAs may be exempt from these modules if the 495 curriculum covers equivalent materials. For the 2022-2023 academic year, LING 495 was approved for exemption from four of the five workshops:
- How Students Learn
- Nuts and Bolts of Lesson Planning
- Active Learning
- Assessment and Grading
Students in LING 495 will still have to enroll in the Creating Inclusive Classrooms workshop.
In designing their 495 syllabus, future TACs should consult with their faculty sponsor (the DGS) to ensure that course materials meet the requirements of the exemptions. TACs may consult this sample syllabus which was approved for exemption from the four workshops above. Beyond these requirements, the TAC has considerable flexibility in what they teach.