Phonology Seminar: Hiro Katsuda, Gemma Repiso-Puigdelliura, & Kie Zuraw
Conference Room 2122A/B"He's got abejas: applying tapping in English-Spanish code-mixed sentences" (Practice poster presentation for LabPhon)
Psycholing/ Compling Seminar: Claire-Moore Cantwell: Gambler’s Fallacy effects in probabilistic wug-test responses
Campbell Hall 2122Abstract: Participants exhibit the 'gambler's fallacy' in wug-test responses, adjusting their probability of a response based on previous responses. In particular, they avoid giving the same response three times in...
Phonetics Seminar: Jiyoung Kim (Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese), “Exploring the perception-production link in heritage languages”
Phonetics Seminar room 2101K or ZoomPhonology Seminar
Conference Room 2122A/BSchedule only if necessary; Ph.D. hooding is taking place
Faculty Meeting
Campbell Hall 2122A/BPersonnel matter, ladder faculty + GLC rep
Phonetics Seminar: ASA poster presentations
Phonetics Seminar room 2101K or ZoomPhonology Seminar: Jake Aziz “Phonologized Vowel Devoicing in Malagasy”
Conference Room 2122A/BPsycholing/ Compling Seminar: Lindy Comstock (Dept. of Neurosurgery)- Developing the auditory oddball paradigm as a tool for language mapping
Campbell Hall 2122Successful language development after cerebral hemispherectomy is a vital concern for the well-being of children affected by intractable seizure disorders. Yet, this area of research is underrepresented in the literature,...