
Category: General, Undergraduate Students

Summer Courses

Published: March 3, 2023

The Linguistics Summer Session 2023 courses are now open for enrollment. Visit our Summer Courses page to view our available offerings. UCLA students can enroll via MyUCLA and visiting students can enroll…

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Category: General, Jobs

Current Open Position

Published: February 27, 2023

Senior Academic Personnel Officer The UCLA Rolfe/Campbell Humanities Group (oversees Departments of Linguistics and Spanish & Portuguese) is accepting applications for a Senior Academic Personnel Officer (official title: Academic HR Analyst…

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Category: General

Z.L. Zhou on LSA Executive Committee

Published: May 18, 2022

Z.L. Zhou has been appointed Interim Student Representative to the Executive Committee of the Linguistic Society of America, serving through December 2022. Congratulations Z.L., and thank you for serving our professional society!

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