Dear 2021 Linguistics Graduating Seniors,
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will celebrate your graduation from the Linguistics Department via a virtual department ceremony. Though it was not how you imagined your graduation to be, we will make this celebration as special as possible for all our graduating students.
Our 2021 Virtual Commencement Ceremony will launch on Saturday, June 12, 2021, at 1:00 PM on the Department Website. In addition to honoring you as individuals and creating a special communal experience online, we will include remarks from faculty leadership and fellow students and recent alumni.
We want you to look forward with confidence, look forward to graduating, and look forward to your journey ahead! Our wish is to create a memorable, uplifting moment for each of you, and we are honored to take part in this celebration with you. Through this virtual ceremony, the resilient Class of 2021 will be forever immortalized! Congratulations!
Now on to how this will work and how you will be recognized. See our Commencement webpage for details on how to submit your student clips for the ceremony. We will accept submissions for materials starting May 14th at 8:00 AM PST until May 28th at 11:55 PM PST. Please submit your materials as soon as possible before the deadline in case there is a need to re-submit any unapproved materials.
Thank you!