We are delighted to announce that Laurel Perkins (U. Maryland, 2019) has accepted our offer to join our department as an assistant professor. Laurel will begin her appointment after completing her postdoctoral fellowship at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris. Her research is on computational models of language acquisition. Laurel won a 2020 Robert J. Glushko Dissertation/Ph.D. Thesis Prize in Cognitive Science for her dissertation, “How Grammars Grow: Argument Structure and the Acquisition of Non-basic Syntax”. We look forward to having her as a colleague!
The UCLA Linguistics Department’s normal business hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. Office schedule and availability may change based on staff availability. For questions or assistance, please contact linguist@humnet.ucla.edu or (310) 825-0634.