UCLA ph-ers at LabPhon in Tokyo
In late July, a number of present and former members of the UCLA Phonetics Lab attended the 14th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 14) held at NINJAL in Tokyo.
Georgia Zellou (Penn), Rebecca Scarborough (Colorado, UCLA Ph.D. 2005), Eric Doty (Penn). The role of lexical age-of-acquisition effects on phonetic variation in natural infant-directed speech
Eleanor Chodroff (JHU), Colin Wilson (JHU, former UCLA faculty). Phonetic vs. phonological factors in coronal-to-dorsal perceptual assimilation.
Lisa Davidson (NYU), Sean Martin (NYU) & Colin Wilson (former UCLA faculty). Acoustic variability aids in the interpretation of phonetic detail in cross-language speech production.
Adam Chong & Megha Sundara. Tapping in American English: Context matters
Robert Daland, Benjamin Börschinger (Macquarie) & Abdellah Fourtassi (LSCP, ENS/EHESS/CNRS, Paris). On lexical phonotactics and segmentability.
Canaan Ipek (USC), Sun-Ah Jun. Focus intonation in Turkish.
Jiesung Kim (Michigan), Sahyang Kim (Hongik U., UCLA Ph.D. 2004) & Taehong Cho (Hanyang U., UCLA Ph.D. 2001). Prosodic strengthening on initial stops in English trochaic vs. iambic words.
Maria Baltazani (Oxford/U. of Ioannina, UCLA Ph.D. 2002), E. Kainada (U. of Ioannina), K. Nikolaidis (Aristotle U. of Thessaloniki), A. Sfakianaki (Aristotle U. of Thessaloniki), A. Lengeris (U. of Crete/Aristotle U. of Thessaloniki), E. Tsiartsoni (Aristotle U. of Thessaloniki), D. Papazachariou (U. of Patras) & M. Giakoumelou (U. of Patras). Cross-dialectal vowel spaces of Greek.
Ben Munson (U. of Minnesota; former UCLA graduate student). Explicit and implicit gender priming in fricative perception.
Claire Moore-Cantwell (UMass, former UCLA undergraduate) & Lisa Sanders (UMass). ERP correlates of two types of implicit knowledge of probabilistic phonotactics.
Amanda Ritchart (UCSD, former UCLA undergraduate) & Amalia Arvaniti (Kent). Uptalk in semi-spontaneous and scripted speech.
LabPhon 2014 Satellite Workshop:
Kuniko Nielsen (Oakland U., UCLA Ph.D. 2008). Developmental changes in phonological representation: An investigation using the imitation paradigm.
Ben Munson (U. of Minnesota; former UCLA graduate student). Listen-Rate-Say: A Paradigm for Studying Speech Input to Children
Here’s a photo of former and current UCLA phoneticians/phonologists:
Photo courtesy of Kevin McMullin from UBC
Here’s a photo from the post-LabPhon UCLA get-together:
Photo courtesy of Kuniko Nielsen
Pat Keating at Blumstein Workshop in the Cotswolds
In August, Pat Keating attended a workshop in honor of her PhD adviser, Sheila Blumstein of Brown University, organized by Aditi Lahiri of Oxford and held at a Cotwolds manor house. In addition to Pat, 3 other participants had a UCLA connection. Seen in the photo below of Sheila’s former students and postdocs, they are Aditi Lahiri (Oxford, front row 2nd from the left, in the sari) – UCLA visiting professor in about 1984; Joan Sereno (Kansas, back row leftmost) and Allard Jongman (Kansas, back row rightmost) – both UCLA postdocs in 1991. Pat is in the front row, third from the right, with Sheila between her and Aditi.

Ed Stabler at the 12th International Conference on Grammatical Inference
Ed Stabler was an invited speaker at the 12th IGGI in Kyoto in September. His talk was entitled: Towards a rationalist theory of language acquisition
Alumnus, Jeff Heinz (Delaware, UCLA Ph.D. 2007) was also in attendance:
Jie Fu, Jeff Heinz, Adam Jardine & Herbert Tanner. Perception-based Grammatical Inference for Adaptive Systems
Natasha Korotkova presents at Sinn und Bedeutung 19 @ Göttingen
Natasha’s talk was entitled: Some structural analogies between evidentials and indexicals.
Phonologists at Annual Meetings on Phonology 2014 @ MIT
UCLA phonologists, Dustin Bowers and Adam Chong presented at AMP 2014 at MIT in September.
Dustin Bowers (talk). Balancing leveling and composite URs.
Adam Chong & Megha Sundara (poster). Perceptual similarity modulates context effects in online compensation for phonological variation.
Former members of the department were also represented:
Rebecca Scarborough (Colorado, Ph.D. 2005) & Colin Wilson (JHU, former faculty). Comparing neighborhood density and phonotactic probability: Evidence from nasal coarticulation.
Claire Moore-Cantwell (UMass, former UCLA undergraduate) & Lisa Sanders (UMass). Two types of implicit knowledge of probabilistic phonotactics.
Jesse Harris on the road!
While waiting for his new lab to take shape, new faculty member Jesse Harris was busy over the summer giving talks at a number of conferences.
UCSD Semantics Babble. Invited talk: Commitment by proxy.
AMLaP (Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing) University of Edinburgh:
Adjective sprouting in much-less ellipsis (talk with Katy Carlson)
What was the question? Broad focus in focus-sensitive coordination (poster with Katy Carlson)
18th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialgue (SemDial) – Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
Signaling non-speaker commitment in transparent free relatives: A paired speaker-hearer judgment study.
Fowlie at 19th conference on Formal Grammar
Meaghan Fowlie gave a talk at the 19th conference on Formal Grammar in Tübingen, Germany. Her talk was entitled: Adjuncts and Minimalist grammars.
Here is a link to the proceedings paper that accompanied the talk: http://www.springer.com/computer/theoretical+computer+science/book/978-3-662-44120-6
Rett in Europe
Jessica Rett gave two invited talks in Europe this summer, one in Utrecht and another in Riga, Latvia.
“Manner implicature and modified numerals” at an Utrecht-University-affiliated conference.
“Antonymy in space and other strictly ordered domains” at a conference called Perspectives on Spatial Cognition in Riga, Latvia.