Category: Alumni, Conferences, Faculty, General, Graduate Students, Talks

Talks at BUCLD 2014

Published: November 7, 2014

UCLA linguists and alumni of the department will be giving a number of presentations at the annual Boston University Conference on Language Development this weekend.


18-month-olds compensate for a phonological alternation
Adam Chong (UCLA) and Megha Sundara (UCLA)

Pause Trumps All: A Corpus-Based Study on Prosodic Boundary Cues in Japanese Child-Directed Speech.
B. Ludusan, A. Martin (Ph.D. 2007, now at RIKEN Tokyo), R. Mazuka, A. Cristia, E. Dupoux

Explaining Children’s Wh-In Situ Questions: Against Economy
M. Becker (Ph.D. 2000, now at UNC-Chapel Hill), M. Gotowski (UCLA)

Acquisition of the Korean reflexive pronouns in intra-sentential binding and extra-sentential binding
Kum-Jeong Joo, Kamil Deen (Ph.D. 2002 Applied Ling, now at U. of Hawaii-Manoa), William O’Grady


6-month-olds can segment and decompose morphologically-complex words
Yun Jung Kim (UCLA) and Megha Sundara (UCLA)

Young infants’ discrimination of subtle phonetic contrasts
M. Sundara (UCLA), C. Ngon, K. Skoruppa, N. Feldman, G. Onario, J. Morgan, S. Peperkamp

Overgeneration of indefinite articles in Autism and SLI
Jeannette Schaeffer (Ph.D. 1997, now at U. of Amsterdam), Merel Van Witteloostuijn, Doatske De Haan