Category: General

The Demise of the Two-Sided Clocks

Published: September 27, 2013

Pat Keating writes:

The hallways of many campus buildings, including Campbell, have two-sided clocks. Over the summer ours all stopped working on one side. It turns out that this was systematic. A campus news story described how most campus clocks have been gradually converted to the Visiplex system of radio control. The story cheerfully notes the elimination of staff costs for manually resetting all the clocks twice a year – BUT it fails to note that, apparently, a Visiplex system can only control one side of two-sided clocks! All over campus, while half of the clocks are in sync to the millisecond, the other half are right only twice a day. To limit confusion, and as a piece of performance art, the defunct face of the clock near the Phonetics Lab has been obscured:

