The department was well-represented at the Conference on Laboratory Phonology and one of its satellite Symposium meetings (organized by Sun-Ah Jun and ken de Jong) held on June 19-22, 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal.
Current and former department members (Ph.D.s, postdocs, faculty, undergrads, visitors) with presentations at the conference included Mary Baltazani (Ph.D. 2002), Taehong Cho (Ph.D. 2001), Adam Chong (Ph.D. 2017), Christina Esposito (Ph.D. 2006), Matthew Faytak (postdoc, starting in 2018 Fall), Cecile Fougeron (visiting student 1993-1996), Marc Garellek (Ph.D. 2013), Eleanor Glewwe, Ken de Jong (postdoc 1991-93), Louis Goldstein (Ph.D. 1977), Keith Johnson (postdoc and faculty 1990-92), Sahyang Kim (Ph.D. 2004), Jianjing Kuang (Ph.D. 2013), José Maria Lahoz-Bengoechea (visiting student), Isabelle Lin, Benjamin Munson (former M.A. student), Mira Oh (visiting scholar 2010-11), Nari Rhee (former undergraduate), Amanda Ritchart-Scott (former undergraduate), Amy Schafer (postdoc 1998-2001), Rebecca Scarborough (Ph.D. 2005), Megha Sundara, Jeremy Steffman, Meng Yang, Jie Zhang (Ph.D. 2001), and Kie Zuraw.
The picture, taken at the lunch place (Old Canteen, University of Lisbon), shows: front row – Rebecca Scarborough, Mira Oh, Keith Johnson, Jianjing Kuang, Sun-Ah Jun, Mary Baltazani, Isabelle Lin, Meng Yang; second row – Marc Garellek, Amanda Ritchart-Scott, Adam Chong, Jie Zhang, Eleanor Glewwe, Matthew Faytak; last row – Jeremy Steffman, José Maria Lahoz-Bengoechea.