LabPhon 13 took place this year in Stuttgart, Germany, from July 27-29. UCLA was very well-represented:
- Bruce Hayes, The role of computational modeling in the study of sound structure (invited talk)
- Marc Garellek, “A reanalysis of glottal stops and glottalization in English” (poster)
- Marc Garellek, “Importance of coding the Utterance domain in prosodic transcriptions” (poster at the satellite workshop on Advancing Prosodic Transcription)
- Pat Keating, Christina Esposito (alumna, now at Macalester College, MN), Marc Garellek, Sameer Khan (alumnus, now at Reed College, Oregon) and Jianjing Kuang, “Multi-dimensional phonetic space for phonation contrasts” (poster)
- Jamie White, “On the learnability of saltatory phonological alternations” (poster)