Category: Alumni, Conferences, Faculty, General, Graduate Students

UCLA linguists at BUCLD

Published: November 11, 2013

The annual Boston University Conference of Language Development took place recently (Nov 1 – 3). UCLA was well represented by a number of talks and posters:
1) Jamie White (Ph.D. 13, now at University of Ottawa): Role of perceptual similarity in the acquisition of phonological alternations: A biased Maximum Entropy learning model

2) Megha Sundara, Yun Jung Kim, Jamie White & Adam Chong: There is no pat in patting: Acquisition of phonological alternations by English-learning 12-month-olds

3) Victoria Mateu: Clitic omission in Spanish-speaking children: Evaluating the roles of competence and performance

4) Robyn Orfitelli (Ph.D. 12, now at University of Iowa): Transfer of null arguments in adult L2 (Poster)