A number of UCLA linguists traded the sunny weather of LA for the freezing temperatures of Minneapolis to present at the annual meeting of the LSA.
Byron Ahn & Craig Sailor, Obligatory Gaps in Non-Finite Clauses
Byron Ahn, The Syntax of Phrasal Stress “Exceptions” (Poster)
Laura McPherson, A maxent model of tone-tune association in Tommo So songs
Laura Kalin, Oblique marking: The puzzle of differential and antipassive objects (Poster)
Clara Sherley-Appel (UCSC) & Jesse Zymet, Right-node raising and Coordinated Affixation
John Gluckman, Agreement and Last Resort in Yimas
Stephanie Shih (Stanford) & Kie Zuraw, Phonological factors in Tagalog adjective-noun word order variation
Current faculty and students were joined by a number of recent graduates:
Jamie White (Ph.D. 2013, now at Ottawa), Learning alternations in a maximum entropy model: The role of perceptual similarity
Sameer Ud Dowla Khan (Ph.D. 2008, now at Reed) & Kristine Yu (Ph.D. 2011, now at UMass), Intonational phonology in infant-directed speech
Sameer ud Dowla Khan (Ph.D. 2008, now at Reed), Consonant confusability and similarity avoidance patterns (Poster)
Pat Keating also delivered a Symposium talk on the history of phonetics since 1924 as part of the celebration of the 90th Anniversary of the LSA.