The department was well-represented at the Conference on Laboratory Phonology held at Cornell in July 2016, co-organized by Cornell professor Abby Cohn (PhD 1990). Current and former department members (PhDs, postdocs, faculty, undergrads, visitors) attending and/or with presentations at the conference or at one of its satellite sessions included Ann Aly, Jason Bishop (PhD 2013), Dani Byrd (PhD 1994), Taehong Cho (PhD 2001), Adam Chong, Robert Daland, Ken de Jong (postdoc 1991-93), Cecile Fougeron (visiting student 1993-1996), Louis Goldstein (PhD 1977), Bruce Hayes, Marie Huffman (PhD 1989), Sharon Inkelas (faculty 1989), Keith Johnson (post-doc and faculty 1990-92), Allard Jongman (post-doc 1991), Aaron Kaplan (faculty 2008-09), Pat Keating, Sahyang Kim (PhD 2004), Jianjing Kuang (PhD 2013), Aditi Lahiri (faculty 1983-84), Ian Maddieson (PhD 1977, 1977-1999), Claire Moore-Cantwell (former undergrad), Kuniko Nielsen (PhD 2008), Megan Risdal (MA 2015), Rebecca Scarborough (PhD 2005), Joan Sereno (post-doc 1991), Caroline Smith (faculty 1992-93), James Whang (former undergrad), Colin Wilson (faculty 2000-2008), Nicole Wong (former undergrad), Kristine Yu (PhD 2011), Jie Zhang (PhD 2001), and Jesse Zymet.
Pat and Bruce hosted a UCLA party at Bruce’s parents’ former home in Ithaca, where Bruce took this picture of Colin Wilson, Jie Zhang, Rebecca Scarborough, Kuniko Nielsen, Pat Keating, Jianjing Kuang, Taehong Cho, Kristine Yu, Jason Bishop, Cecile Fougeron, and Marie Huffman: