Our very own Mario Peng Lee, who recently graduated this Spring 2024 as a Departmental Honors recipient with a B.A. in Linguistics & Computer Science and Psychology and a minor in Data Science Engineering, was recognized for his work to increase awareness and critical thinking about AI safety! We applaud Mario for using his research experience in AI, machine learning, and natural language processing to help people and create positive outcomes. Read more about Mario’s passions and accomplishments on the UCLA Newsroom and the UCLA Humanities websites, and check out the Diverse Names Generator project he co-created, for which he was awarded a Linguistics Undergraduate Research & Travel Award in 2023.
The UCLA Linguistics Department’s normal business hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. Office schedule and availability may change based on staff availability. For questions or assistance, please contact linguist@humnet.ucla.edu or (310) 825-0634.