
Category: General

UCLA linguistics at NELS47

Published: November 1, 2016

NELS47 (North East Linguistics Society) met at UMASS Amherst this October. UCLA was well represented: Richard Stockwell gave a talk entitled “VP ellipsis with symmetrical predicates” Jesse Zymet with co-author…

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Category: General

UCLA Linguists at AMP 2016

Published: October 24, 2016

UCLA Linguistics was well-represented at this year’s Annual Meeting on Phonology at the University of Southern California. Invited talk: Bruce Hayes: Varieties of Noisy Harmonic Grammar Talk: Adam Chong: Examining…

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Category: General

UCLA Students at CUSP 9

Published: October 23, 2016

 Two UCLA linguistics grads presented at CUSP 9 (California Semantics and Pragmatics) that took place between Oct. 21 and 22 at UC Santa Cruz. The titles of the talks were:…

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Category: General

Speech Prosody 2016 at Boston University

Published: June 13, 2016

Speech Prosody 2016 was held this year at Boston University from May 31st through June 3rd. A number of UCLA students and graduates were in attendance to present their work. Talks:…

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Category: General

Craig Sailor at Cambridge

Published: January 20, 2016

Craig Sailor (Ph.D. 2014) recently completed a post-doctoral fellowship at U. of Groningen in the Netherlands where he work was working with Mark de Vries on an ERC funded project…

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Category: General

Ann Ali Dissertation Prospectus Defense

Published: December 5, 2015

Congratulations to Ann Ali for successfully defending her dissertation prospectus. She is the first person this academic year to do so. Ann’s  work focuses on the intonation of Basque/Spanish bilinguals when code-switching.  …

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Category: General

Incoming Students Introduction 2015-2016

Published: October 15, 2015

This year we have a number of new students joining the department. Below is a mini-bio for each one: Luke West Coming from University of Toronto Research interests: phonetics (lexical…

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